just a question about the video uploading
2 years ago
Pirkanmaa, Finland

it says in the game rules that for categories except high score only youtube and google photos, but i was wondering if you could do twitch because my youtube is broken and google photos kinda sucks

Somerset, England

YouTube, and in this case, Google Photos is normally preferred in most games due to it being easier to retime on those services

So if you submit a Twitch run it might get rejected or not properly retimed. I am not sure if these the mods know how to retime a Twitch run correctly

But, for me, I would submit your run anyway

Also, mods, I know how to retime Twitch runs so I guess I could do it

Diedit oleh penulis 2 years ago
Gaming_64, AntBlueR, dan alem17 menyukai ini
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Updates to highscore rules

We have decided to make some changes to the highscore rules, All top 10 runs on mobile and All emulator runs going forward REQUIRE video proof that shows all the gameplay.

Any runs submitted after this post that do not meet these requirements will be rejected.

1 year ago
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