[ENG/PL] Porcelain and Blindness Route Guide
[ENG/PL] Porcelain and Blindness Route Guide
Diperbarui 2 years ago oleh Tegron

Polish Version by @Tegron (me): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X5Q5GrUvCBCiNgW-NYPDipf2o4FEMaZmr5yb0SqpNhk/edit

Guide to the Porcelain route


  1. to skip dialogues, hold S
  2. after the dialogues go to the mirror without interacting with it, then pick up the pocket mirror, interact with the mirror 2 times and then pick up the red ball and leave the room
  3. place the ball on the ground on the left at the very bottom (you don't need to open the inventory)
  4. enter the room at the bottom, go to the right and read the card and then on the door, go to the left and pick up the green ball, leave the room and put it on the ground at the very bottom on the right (from now on you have to open the inventory)
  5. go to the door on the right and interact with the table from the left and push and interact with the wall, you have to mash as you click, the game needs you to click Z but it is more convenient to mash with Enter because you have to hold S all the time before the dialogue, leave the room, put the purple ball on the right counting this from the middle side
  6. enter the room upstairs and go left to talk to the mysterious character and select "It's blue..." and exit the room and place the blue ball on the very top of the room 7 Go into the room on the left and interact with the finger and from the left side of the wall and then exit the room, interact with the window on the left at the top and put the ball on the left side, then put the pocket mirror in the middle and when the cutscene ends take the mirror and go up the stairs
  7. go upstairs and read the book and interact with the mirror where the character went there


  1. interact with the door in the middle
  2. you can go to the door on the left and right in any order but I will explain and those you need to do Door on the left: interact with the portrait at the very end of the path, if it appears ! as you move away from it then go back to the portrait and select "Give her the pocket mirror", then interact with the 2nd portrait at the bottom and select "Pluck her eye out" and run away, at the door mash enter again and when you leave go back into the room and take the pocket mirror from the painting Door on the right: interact with the creature and then push the thing on the right to the drawn eye on the right and put the mirror on the other drawn eye and take the eye and then the mirror and exit
  3. put the eyes on the statues, blue on the left and red on the right, interact with the door

Dark corridor and party

  1. walk through the corridor, all the way to the left to the door, take the golden knife and fork
  2. take the candle from the table and go 3 steps to the right and then go up and read the card and when it lights up sit on the chair and scroll through the dialogues
  3. sit down again and during the dialogue select first "Next" and then "The Queen's Favourite Cookie Cups, go to the door on the left at the top taking the shrinking potion with you and use it and interact with the small door


  1. go to the chandelier and there is a cutscene with the heroine falling down
  2. go talk to the rabbit's head where it sits and go to the door on the left, play the mini game to get the key, the layout is the same but if you need a picture of it I'm posting below in which order to click on the boxes https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/981949111416799315/1006571837808975882/0.PNG
  3. walk out of the room, a puppet will pop out of the box again and tell you something, select "No", Yes just wasting time talking
  4. use the key in the room on the bottom right
  5. enter the mirror on the left, go to the ball to talk to the royal and select "Something I lost" and then sit down and when the pets are shot take their body parts with you, here is a picture to interact with https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/981949111416799315/1006571837414715462/00.PNG then go to the mirror, give the body part to the rabbit and go to the mirror on the right, you will get a bag from the soldier, open it and give the body part to the rabbit and go to the mirror in the middle, go first to the right to get the body part, go to the door on the left at the bottom and go to the wardrobe, return to the room and at the very top take the body part, interact with the soldier and after they shoot the fox then take the body part and go to the mirror
  6. take the needle and thread from the fox where they are sitting by the flower bouquet, give the fox the cannon parts (you have to interact 3 times), interact with the rabbit and then stitch, then stitch the fox (by choosing an option), use the key in the door upstairs
  7. sit down and watch the cutscene, it lasts 2 minutes and 15 seconds and cannot be skipped, after the cutscene exit and go to the door on the right, and go to the queen
  8. the escape section will start, first you have to eat the cake to escape, the best way to get there is this way (the best way is to eat from the bottom, you have to approach it like this and go all the way to the left to the cake and when you have eaten it, go towards the door at the top https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/981949111416799315/1006571837003677846/000.PNG


  1. when you see the queen hanging on the cross made of blood go around the room on the left upstairs, when the chest lights up go out and go to the door on the right
  2. you have to choose the right order of doors, you have to read the information on the table all the time to let you through, go to the yellow door (middle), the door with the heart (right), the door with the letter F (right), take the golden key
  3. go back to the room on the left and open the chest and talk to Fleta, the second option is faster, it may seem like the first one is but before the scene of the queen being taken down appears it is faster by 3 seconds
  4. you have to go through the labyrinth, I don't know how to describe exactly where to go so here is a video from WR that shows it 21:55 to 23:23

Fleta's house

  1. enter the house 2 Go up the stairs, go left into the room (the one with the green wall) and start a mini flute card game, the layout is the same here is a picture of it https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/981949111416799315/1006571836609404928/0000.PNG The queen is not marked because Fleta always discovers the pair in the first turn, it's quicker to win with it than lose because it saves a lot of time over it
  2. go upstairs and go to the wall on the left then Fleta will open a room with mirrors and dresses, interact with the mirror, while the main character is asking the mirror then choose any option
  3. go upstairs and go to the room to the right and enter the toy room, you will start a mini game with collecting butterflies, losing to Fleta is 9 seconds faster than winning but for some Normal endings you need to win, the mini game takes 43 seconds including Fleta's turn
  4. the game of grabby will start, find Fleta, she is downstairs hidden behind the chair on the right, a timer will appear, go back to the room with the mirrors and interact with the mirror in the middle and enter through the door, read the letter
  5. when Fleta locks you in the scary house then go get the candle, go up and interact with the doll, then read the book, take the matches from the doll and burn the hanging girl on the right and take the key, open the door and go straight all the way and take the scissors
  6. go back to where you took the candle, the escape will start, go up, take the wood from the hole, go left, up, right and up to the door, you have to open the door, you can mash Enter but it is faster to use the scissors and exit

Porcelain Ending

Go all the way up to the mini-game with the musical chairs, during the mini-game do nothing to win, skip the dialogues and when Bad Ending 1 appears time is up

To get Blindness, you need to win a Fleta in chairs. To do this, I recommend holding 'A' on the keyboard until the end of this. Then we go to the pumpkin and either save it or skip it, in fact there is no difference, the main thing is to do it quickly yourself.


You just have to walk along a clear route to the chase with Lisette. Here, just count 4 mirrors, then run to the right, and then to Harpae. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/960057224452009984/1006865975095853116/Screenshot_599.png

In the dialog with her, select "It's Nothing" instead of the first option (19 vs 9 dialog boxes).

In order to go further, you need to enter the library and look at the photo of Harpae, then go back to the bottom door, and here begins the most difficult and responsible part of the game. The fact is that this sound trap is quite easy to pass, knowing the score by steps — 8 up, 1 left, 6 up, creak and waiting until the door closes, 6 up and hold to the right parallel pressing 'Z' on the keyboard until the key is raised. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/960057224452009984/1006865975515291698/Screenshot_601.png However, if you decide to walk without counting steps, that is, running clean, then good luck. Yes, it's much faster, but difficult. After the sound of the door closing, we go back down. When we brought the key to the lower door, the right part of the room opened, we go there. Then up, down, and go to Harpae.

In the dialogue with Harpae, select "Say a truth". In the second selection window, select "Yes" to activate the Blindness ending. After that we go to Harpae and the ending is ready.

part of route Blindness by @winawez

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