4DO Emulator: much faster than real hardware?
2 years ago
United States

I just got back into town from vacation and saw we have a new plumbers runner. I was stunned he beat my No Second Chances time by so much (not because my run is unbeatable, I can't honestly say, but that there was that much time to be had). So I put his run side-by-side up with mine and immediately saw why: by the time John wakes up from his dream, my run (which was on real hardware with the real disk) was almost 25 seconds behind his. This is with literally zero inputs at this point.

I'm not sure about 4DO's accuracy but this is obviously much faster than real hardware. I think we should split the board.

Feel free to chime in with any input! I'd love to hear everyone's opinions on this.

United States

Since nobody seems to know what the accuracy of 4DO is in comparison to the real hardware, and since it is apparent to me that it is indeed faster, for right now we're not sure whether or not to allow that emulator.

I've made a separate board for emulators for the time being. This is acceptable to me personally as a long-term solution, since I prefer accessibility in this case over exclusivity. However, if the consensus of the community is that that emulator is too inaccurate, or that there's a better solution out there, we can make that work as well.

Basically my fear is that we allow the 4DO emulator despite not being accurate, and then at a later date a better emulation solution comes out, and we decide to ban the emulator, and have to grandfather in an emulator that is inaccurate to the point that real hardware cannot beat it...