New Category Request
11 months ago
United States

All Maps%

The goal is to get from one spawn to the other as quickly as possible, throughout all maps. Once the sound of the barrier is heard they can move onto the next map.

Hybrid/Escort: First attackers spawn to the barrier on the last defenders spawn.

Control: One spawn to the other, pretty simple.

Push: First spawn on one side to first spawn on the other.

Alternatively a simple any map category in which the runner could choose a map would be cool, and have room for innovation.

dripping menyukai ini
California, USA

We had this before, but it was specifically one with Lucio and one with Wrecking Ball. I've been meaning to add it again, but making a mode in the Workshop with checkpoints for each map would be ideal, and a timer that tracks your time from point A to point B for each map.

Light772sandwich menyukai ini
United Kingdom

Wasn’t gangstajoe trying to do that exact thing?

California, USA

Yea but I guess he put it on pause. Maybe I could try to copy some code from Lucio Surf and modify it somehow, since they have checkpoints / timers already for each map.

United Kingdom

Maybe we could ask him how it’s going?

dripping menyukai ini
Statistik Game
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New Categories: Spawn Rush and Death%

Spawn Rush is similar to Lucio Surf but with our own rules and setup.

  • There is a full-game version that includes all maps,

  • and an individual level version where you can focus on specific maps.

Death% is where you jump off the map as fast as possible, and on maps where you can't, self-

10 months ago
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