New Moderation.
New Moderation.
Diposting 2 years ago oleh

Hello everyone that's still active, or is following this game, I'm Spikestuff. I decided to request, and receive moderation to this title since it was left abandoned for some time and I have some plans in order to fix it up.

Firstly, all 6 categories will be available and appropriately named. "Bad Ending" will change to "Alone in Park" as that is the appropriate naming for it, and it will be split to allow "Alone in Lab" as there's the slight difference, but same ending. "Good Ending" will remain the same, as there's no other "Good" ending in the game, alternatively it would've been named "Antidote Made". "Park with Daughter" another bad ending will become a category as well.

Secondly, what is allowed when running the game will be made. To make it purely focus on movement, and not clicking I will allow the use of an autoclicker to select Park/Lab. If you want to get timing down then you can go for that option. It's purely up to you to decide on but the option is there.

Lastly, all times on the board will be retimed. I noticed when doing my own runs that the top run had issues with timing. all runs on the board have been retimed. The title also runs at 24fps, so some times may actually get a benefit thanks to being retimed, and some might become slightly worse.

Statistik Game
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Alternative Flash File

I have provided which does the following:

  • Bypasses the Newgrounds API
  • Allows replayability
  • Removes the song Tautou to prevent content claim

This file will be allowed as the official one requires waiting or

2 years ago
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Diposting 2 years ago
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