Runs that violate the rules should be deleted
1 year ago

Through observation, The number one player in 'Haggar mode' is 'hageshizhang',There was a lot of suspicion about his running. 1.The run is not run in 3DSVC, but on a emulator called GOTVG. As we all know, GOTVG is BANNED by speedrun. 2.In this video, there is no frame count, no input display, no 'no movie' state.So it's not certain that this run is real,there may be turbo use, S/L use, or other cheats. 3.There was no reset at the beginning of the run. Finally, I suggest that the verifier should delete this run,Only then can it be fair to other runners. The link is

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
NeGAtiv4k menyukai ini

Before deleting the run, I would like to hear the opinion of other users of the site.

PakLomak menyukai ini

I hope you can delete it as soon as possible. If this runner is not punished, the competitive atmosphere of speedrun will get worse and worse in the future, and even affect the verification of China.

NeGAtiv4k menyukai ini

Could you tell me how can I identify this banned emulator?

Salatime menyukai ini

First, whether it is FC/NES controller or emulator, (e.g. fceux, nestopia, mesen and bizhawk allowed etc.),The game images of these emulators are dark, and their color matching cannot be changed. But Gotvg's graphics are brightly colored. Second, the NES ROM in 3DS is originally run in the emulator, there is no exist 3DSVC emu. Third, GOTVG is banned at speedrun,I won't list them all here, but refer to NG2's rules for forbidden emulators. Finally, the runner's video has No frame counter, No input display, No reset, and No (no movie), which is also a serious violation of speedrun conventions. Above is my explanation of this run, thank you for taking my advice.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
NeGAtiv4k menyukai ini

In his newly submitted run, Still NO RESET action, even using S/L, The time node is 00:04.Can this verify? I suggest that the run submitted by this person should be carefully reviewed and that users who cheat repeatedly should be permanently banned.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago

I've seen the run and I don't judge the way you play, the truth is very good, but why does the emulator run at 60.1/60.2/60.3/60.4...? weird, no ?

Salatime menyukai ini

Any% in 20:15 by KidzoCatto - Mighty Final Fight -

I think this user also use Gotvg, should him be banned?

Diedit oleh penulis 2 months ago

I don't think runner should be banned. Yes, I accepted his last run without a reset before the successful attempt, because in the previous PB he showed his screen. And I think that the runner did not cheat.

PakLomak menyukai ini

I declined that run because the runner was using a gotv emulator because I didn't know it was banned from that site. Also, we have no way to search for demos of your races. Thanks for helping with this.


Eng by google translate: You reproach me for the fact that I have to go to your platform to read the description for the presence of a demo file so that I can check your race on a site where everything is not even in English. I didn’t learn your language, even with English I’m bad, but you didn’t freak out there, just to accuse the moderator of having to know all platforms for streaming and games in general? Everything is done on a voluntary basis, the runner himself did not provide a link to the demo file of his race. I don't have to look for your demo runs if you don't list them in the description. And for the fact that you found the pressing of the C button, thanks for that. Ru by me: Вы меня упрекаете в том что я должен переходить на вашу платформу читать описание на наличие демофайла что бы я проверял ваш забег на сайте на котором все даже не на английском языке. Я не учил ваш язык даже с английским у меня плохо, а вы не ахуели там вам лишь бы обвинить модератора в том что он должен знать все платформы для стриминга и игр в целом? Все делается на добровольной основе раннер сам не указал ссылку на демофайл своего забега. Я не обязан искать ваши демо забеги если вы не указываете их в описании. А за то что вы нашли нажатие кнопки С за это спасибо.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
PakLomak menyukai ini

The old run with the turbo button was removed from SRC, and in the new one he used fceux with a framecounter and displaying buttons on the screen. We see no reason to reject it. If you find any suspicious things in his new runs, then write.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
hageshizhang dan PakLomak menyukai ini

dalaocu I did not know that the runner used this forbidden emulator. So it was my mistake

PakLomak menyukai ini

So many professional players have raised doubts, These evidences fully prove the existence of AUTO-FIRE operation of "hageshizhang"...So, more than 3 months later, this illegal running video has still not been deleted. Is the speedrun platform still fair?In other words, the verifier are not qualified???

So many professional players have raised doubts, These evidences fully prove the existence of AUTO-FIRE operation of "hageshizhang"...So, more than 3 months later, This run against the rules has still not been removed. Is the speedrun platform still fair?In other words, the verifier are not qualified???


If you don't know, then in China it was considered normal to play with turbo buttons. Their pirate consoles called "Dendy" also came to Russia. I also didn't know earlier that this was not the original console as a child, but now I have an NES. I think it's just for ignorance of the rules due to the popularization of pirated consoles with turbo buttons, and not cheating, the runs in the video look legitimate and comply with the rules.

hageshizhang dan NeGAtiv4k menyukai ini
Statistik Game
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Cosmetic changes

All current runs have been placed in the Any% category and Split per character. Due to the addition of the Hitless runs category.

1 year ago