Are Stronghold Triangulation Calculators allowed
3 years ago
Hong Kong

Can I use an online website to calculate the location of a stronghold? If that's not allowed, can I just calculate it myself on paper if I can figure it out?

ydidudothis menyukai ini
Bangkok, Thailand

I'm not that of a minecraft speedrunner, but I think that using a calculator online is an unfair advantage. Calculating by hand seems kinda more legit for me cuz it's an advantage with talent.

København, Denmark

Alot of speedrunners know how to tringulate the stronghold in their head. I'm sure theres plenty of videos on youtube of how to learn it.

ydidudothis menyukai ini

Although most speedrunners do it in their head a triangulator technically isn't banned since it's something that doesn't affect the world save or take anything from the world save.


just watch my pb youll get the answer


Short answer: yea you can

Puplee menyukai ini
Arizona, USA

If it takes the seed as an input, then it's not allowed. Otherwise, it's allowed.

The_Dark_knight menyukai ini