Extras for runs
8 years ago
Des Moines, IA, USA

I recently stumbled upon a glitch that I would like to discuss for runs that do not allow power bricks.

The glitch involves two save files. One file would have 100% and the other would be a different load file. Starting in the 100% file, the extras are turned on for whichever ones are desired (invincibility, fast force, fast build, etc.). Then, the file is exited and the other file is started. Inside the second file the extras are listed in the pause menu as "Locked" or “Available to buy” but are still applied. Whichever ones were selected in the previous file, were still being applied in the second file.

I'm wondering if this glitch can be used for runs that do not allow for extras such as any%. I understand why it wouldn't: it uses extras. But would the argument of it being a glitch, it does not display that the extras are being used, and that the extras may not even be collected/bought during the run, be enough for it to be allowed?

On the other hand, for runs that allow extras, could this glitch be used? For NG+ runs this glitch wouldn’t be much help. However, for 100% runs, this could save a couple hours. The rules for the 100% runs are insufficient to cover this glitch.

WiiSuper menyukai ini
Virginia, USA

This would be a NG+ since you're starting a new game with the extras which equals the +

WiiSuper menyukai ini
Des Moines, IA, USA

Ok, so not allowed for any%. What about for 100% runs which allow extras to be used?

WiiSuper menyukai ini
Des Moines, IA, USA

I've given this some more thought and think that a 100% NG+ category should be added or at least considered and then not allow for the glitch to be used for 100% category.

WiiSuper menyukai ini
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