New features we want in Logan Kart 8 Deluxe
6 years ago
United States

What are some new things you would like to see in LK8D? I would like to see more intentional shortcuts as well as physics updates so that hitting a bump doesn't completely kill a run. What do you want to see?


I'd like to see a few fixes -blue shells not getting stuck in the air so they become obstacles you cant avoid on your final lap(and sometimes not even going for nr 1 but just targeting you instead) -while holding a shell or banana behind you, a red shell shouldn't go right through your held item and hit you anyways -after getting a speed boost(drift, mushroom) there is a slight but very noticeable delay in response from your vehicle which unnecessarily makes your vehicle almost uncontrollable

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Arizona, USA

a restart button for time trials

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