9 months ago
Oklahoma, USA

I'm trying to find an autosplitter for livesplit but so far no luck. I haven't been able to find a non-expired link to the community discord to try and find someone that might have one either so I turn to you guys for help. I've already tried making my own but I am simply not skilled enough to do so. Does anyone have an autosplitter for it or a script that I can put into my LiveSplit to make it an autosplitter? I'm new to running and have been doing inbounds but it's annoying that I can't ever get my splits right and I have no idea what my in-game time is. Anything would be helpful, thanks guys.

Victoria, Australia

Hi, I assume you're looking for the autosplitter for It Takes Two, we do actually have an autosplitter enabled for Livesplit, if you edit your splits, you'll see an option under the game and category settings saying "Autosplitter is available. (By Ironhead39 Lemuura)" All you have to do is click on Activate!

As for the discord invite, I'm not sure on the link availability. But here's a new link for you, hope it works!

Daemonweave menyukai ini
Oklahoma, USA

Oh thank you I've been searching for dayssss

Eliea menyukai ini
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