Free Rice Statistics!
7 years ago

I've created a spreadsheet which shows a bunch of statistics about Free Rice. This dates all the way back to April 12th, where Oxknifer did his first run.

The Spreadsheet contains the following (TL;DR)


  • Subject & Topic
  • Amount of grains
  • Time
  • Date of verification & Runner

Record Specific:

  • If the run has been beat
  • Who beat the run
  • When they beat the run

Other Stats:

  • A leaderboard with an organised point system
  • Total amount of rice
  • Total time spent running
  • Which subjects have or have not been ran


The point of this spreadsheet is meant to be a simple way to view things you want to view (as well as a fun data collecting thing for me)

Instead of having to flood the forums with cool statistics, we could have a single forum post dedicated as a home to these statistics.

If you have any suggestions as to what I could add to this, PM me via discord or leave a comment under this forum post. Thank you.

Axxis dan Oxknifer menyukai ini
United Kingdom

I think the spreadsheet needs updating, there's been tons of new runs since it's last update. :)

Jaychalke menyukai ini
Texas, USA

If Airman comes back and edits the page, that would be awesome. Until then, I'll lock this post.