What happened to the England/Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland flags?
1 year ago

They all show up as the Union Jack now on the leaderboard?

Zanum dan YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
Somerset, England

Yes, sub-countries do not show anymore

Zanum dan Gaming_64 menyukai ini

What do you mean sub countries? Scotland is a country

Zanum dan MagikBased menyukai ini
Somerset, England

@Matse007 it is a sub-country

Zanum dan Gaming_64 menyukai ini

I mean then it should not display england as it is also just a sub-country from the uk

Zanum menyukai ini
French Southern Territories

@Matse007 It... doesn't display England... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/829398403897229386/1033160058252578856/unknown.png

Zanum, jackzfiml, dan YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini

LMAO good job elo

Zanum menyukai ini
Basque Country

actualy, im p sure this used to be only england before but now basque country also stopped working (i just have my experience knowledge lol) it seems like all the subcountries are dissapearing eventualy

Zanum menyukai ini
Aberdeen, Scotland

who needs national pride huh? I personally dont identify with the Union Jack so this is a bit shit considering my Scottish flag used to be shown separately

Zanum, linny356 dan 6 lainnya menyukai ini
Glamorganshire, Wales

I decided I'd rather change it to the Welsh flag upon moving there and I now can't, it's hardly the same thing as people living in Basque Country in Spain who'd rather identify away from Spain but I've continually asked Elo to restore this feature just after the leaderboard flag setting was scrapped, now it's completely broken and they've got to restore it.

Also yes @KilleDragon it's all sub-countries, a year or so ago if you set your country as United Kingdom, Spain or Canada you had the option to use a local country leaderboard flag @Matse007 , such a hugely weird thing for them to remove.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Zanum, Ivory, dan YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini

This is a terrible change @Elo

Zanum, Ivory dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Somerset, England

@ckellyedits, @Elo is not related to the attual Elo at all lmao

Zanum, CyanWes, dan Gaming_64 menyukai ini
Glamorganshire, Wales

Let me just say as someone who's been to a few football matches and been on a few trips, Elo have incurred the wrath of the Scots, Northern Irish, and the Welsh, a very poor move indeed....

discranola, Camcorder dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
Basque Country

lol i mean not like it realy affects at all anything in the leaderboard but it also seems to be unnecesary work to do happening with no advertence that it was going to happend forums still show them, but they somehow decided to remove them from the leaderboard merely thats quite interesting

Zanum menyukai ini
Glamorganshire, Wales

I'm of the opinion this is a mistake from Elo, there was a period where if you lived in Spain/UK/Canada, you couldn't adjust your leaderboard flag settings from the UK flag, but everyone who did so before this change happened (where they removed leaderboard flag specific settings) were fine to keep theirs. It displayed on your profile if you had a flag as 'Basque Country' with a flag, rather than 'Basque Country, Spain'.

Then in this last update, they just re-assigned these buggy ex-leaderboard flags to their overarching country as a cheap fix. Really needs to be changed though because it obviously worked so well for so long.

Zanum dan ckellyspeedruns menyukai ini

Just one of many unnecessary changes that push people away. Causes nothing but grief.

Zanum, linny356 dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini
United States

Sorry for the bug here, this should be fixed now.

Zanum, JH2000_, dan YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
Somerset, England

@Camcorder please can a option be added into settings for us to be able to change which flag shows? Either our Country, Sub-country, or City

The option which was removed with the settings update

TheTaraStark, Zanum dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
United States

@YUMmy_Bacon5 no immediate plans for that, sorry.

We plan to to rework the location system in the future, but don't have an ETA. The current system is difficult (impossible?) to maintain to a reasonable standard due to it's breadth, depth, and overly-opinionated nested structure. We'd like it to be simpler, less divisive, more accommodating of different perspectives, and to better support other features on the site (ex. filtering leaderboards by region).

Zanum dan YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini