Question Concerning +18 Games
6 years ago

Am I allowed to speedrun +18 games? Not talking about hentai novel speedrunning, thats lame.


Of course, people run GTA for example. Plus quite a lot of FPS' are rated 18+ somewhere in the world

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Is that equivalent to M or AO in the American system? M rated games are whatever. There are as many runs of them as any other kind of game. AO games, I guess you could run (one notes that we have a board for Hatred on this website) but they are categorically banned from twitch, so you could not stream them.

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
Seydie menyukai ini

I think so, Leisure Suit Larry and Manhunt runs are accepted. But I guess there are some limits of course. If YouTube wouldn't accept such video's, I don't think would accept that particular game quickly ^^"

If I may ask, about which game were you thinking?

United States

I think the cut off is for sexually explicit games, there are quite a few ultra violence titles on the site so I think those are ok for the most part.

Like Hentai games ?

Julz menyukai ini
California, USA

I'd imagine even some 18+ games due to sexually explicit content could be alright depending on the conditions. HuniePop has an existent sized running base despite it's 18+ sexual content and it being prohibited by Twitch. I'm curious on what game you had in mind unless you're wondering in general.

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
HowDenKing menyukai ini

Playing a "sex game" seems like a weird thing to do to me, speedrunning one seems lke pure memery so that should be banned for sure. Back when the BBFC rated games in the UK (The company that rates movies) they had a tendancy to rate on the high side, quite a lot of 18+ games would get a 15+ if re-rated with today's standards. (Or a 16+ from PEGI anyway)