Do we need to stream on Twitch?
1 year ago
Manitoba, Canada

After watching deluxyze's run, I can't imagine I will stand a chance in this competition, but I still want to try post a run or two. But do I need to be streaming this? I think Moist said in his video that it would be necessary, but my internet connection is SUPER slow. I'd have to stream in like 240p at the most. It's going to be unbearable to watch, but technically would be streamed.. Anyone know?

from what charlie said in his video you have to stream period. it doesnt matter which platform as far as im aware

Maddogkiller66 menyukai ini
Texas, USA

as long as the frames stay consistent and there isn't too many things on screen, it should be fine at 240p. always try to find better ways you can setup your stream though!

maplesyrupghost menyukai ini

Also understand that Deluxyzes run was when no one else was competing. Never even used bunny hops. If someone were to do the exact same run or even slower strats but utilize bunny hops in most places they'd easily beat the time. And people are already attempting to break the game in crazier ways. So don't base your odds on that original world record. It's going to get halved at least MINIMUM.

As for the original question, you can stream it anywhere. I'm sure they'd prefer it to be on the main platforms Youtube, Twitch, Facebook. But I think they'd accept other platforms as well as long as they are established. If your computer is decent even if your internet is bad you should be okay streaming at super low quality. Depending HOW BAD it looks they might decide to not accept it. It'll come down to if certain parts can't be seen properly. Bad quality = a lot more chances to do fishy stuff because it's just harder to see anything for the mods.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Manitoba, Canada

Hmm interesting, maybe YouTube streaming will work slightly better for me, as I can view YouTube far easier than anything. I use 4 cell phones with mobile data at 512 kbps merged together with Speedify to make a 2 mbps connection, and I can't even view a twitch stream at all, but YouTube works great for me.

One more hour until my download of the game finishes so I'll be able to give the game a shot soon! Glad I already had it in my Steam library from 2014. It's really awesome that Moist is doing this on an older title like this.

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