A Walkthrough for speedrunning DBB, with current strats (05/17/17)
A Walkthrough for speedrunning DBB, with current strats (05/17/17)
Diperbarui 7 years ago oleh KurryBroX

First things first, Setup:

-You want to run this game with a shortcut that links to the INSTALLED game.exe (do not run off of CD).

-Right click the shortcut, select properties and add "-window" (without quotes) at the end of the target box (AFTER the quotes). You will also want to select the shortcut key box and press f1 or whichever F-Key you would like to use (F1 is best because it's closest to the esc key). Click OK and press whatever F-Key you chose. The game should start and you're going to select new game.

-You will also want to install DXTORY http://exkode.com/dxtory-downloads-en.html and once it's up and running (yes you want to use the trial) you want to go to the processor(Advanced) tab and put a check in the bottom check box labeled "Limit Video FPS". Set the value to 120. Minimize and forget about it.

-Setting your controls and settings are all up to you, but I prefer setting my resolution to 1024x768 and then squishing the window a bit so I can see the game behind the pause menu (gives you a cue for brightness boosting as when to start mashing).

-I set my controls to:
	-Forward = W & E (double inputs allow you to speed up to your max speed faster)
	-Backward = S
	-Turn Left = A
	-Turn Right = D
	-Jump = Right Mouse
	-Action = Left Mouse
	-Strafe Left = Caps Lock
	-Strafe Right = F
	-Skip Cutscene = Space (You will be holding this down the entire game, basically, so get fucking used to it.)

-Texture Detail = Low
-Object Detail = All the way to the left

Second things second, Tech:

-DBB main tech used is called brightness boosting. It utilizes the same exact game engine (and was created by the same team) as Harry Potter 1 & 2 for the PC. This means it shares the brightness boost glitch which is utilized via climbing a ledge> Pausing the game (ESC Key)> Selecting Settings> Clicking on the brightness bar> Unpause (ESC key twice)> and repeating until you are at the desired height.

-In conjunction with Brightness Boosting is the game reload (which is why you set the shortcut key to F1) which allows the game to run in the background even though you are paused. SO, with that, you can ESC+F1> Select Settings> Click the brightness bar and left/right arrow keys like crazy (mash it baby)> Unpause> and be at a crazy new height. Based off current strats, this is what you will be doing for most of the tricks in the game.

-Not CURRENTLY used, is a Fall Damage tech. If you're falling from an excessive height where death is imminent, pause the game right before you land and wait 20 seconds. Unpause and Kenai will be in the sitting position, land, and stand up like nothing happened.

Third thing Thirds, Gameplay: (I'm going to do my best to lay out the maps and what to do for each part as best as I can, but honestly, watch one of the top players PB's and go off of that for a better visualization)

-Intro (Crumbling Ice level): Start by holding strafe and right, once completely turned towards the edge, hold double forward and jump right before you get to the edge. You will fall off and the level will end. If you don't jump, you'll get stuttered by the edge detect (which kinda jumps but not really) and lose time.

-Aspen Forest (OMFG STOP TALKING YOU DUMB BEARS!): Wait for the cutscene to finish, All while holding double forward and spacebar. Run forward, wait for cutscene, Run forward, Skip cutscene, Run forward, Skip cutscene and left click a bunch until the last finger, then stop (otherwise it will cause you to swipe the other bush and slow you down). Run forward toward the purple bushes. Skip Cutscene, run forward, skip cutscene, Grab some nuts (no, not yours or your bf's.... maybe your boyfriend's, I don't care) Run forward, skip cutscene, left click near tree, run across tree (avoid the purple bushes). Head around the bend and get into the water, LEFT of the log.

Face the log, walk into it, as soon as the climbing animation has kenai kind of lunging forward: ESC+F1> Settings> Mash Brightness bar with mouse and left/right arrow keys. You will hear kenai land if you did it correctly, Unpause.

Jump to the platform to your right (You can kind of walk down the current boulder you are on to achieve this astronomical feat). Line up with the "nib" of the platform, getting a running start, and jump across, all while holding double inputs forward.

Once you get across, immediately turn to the right a tad so you have a slight diagonal angle towards the platform you're trying to get on (again, if you haven' watched a playthrough of this, then do so now, or just fuck it and attempt this a bajillion times!). Hold double inputs until you are on the platform and then jump/slide down via the brown rock.

Follow the path and jump across using the tree-poline (the tree branch is a trampoline, get at me). Walk up tot he left edge until Kenai starts climbing, immediately pause and brightness boost up mashing for 2 seconds. Wiggle your way down the tree that you kinda clipped into and follow the path up. End of level (congratulations!)

-Hunter Fight 1 (He's your brother... bash his brains in!): AS SOON AS THE LEVEL STARTS, turn right and run toward the bush in the center. Once the hunter is in line, left click to roar him down.

Line up with him so your next attack will fling him backwards into the boulder. Left click again to do your damaging roar (only works when he is down) and left click to roar him down once he's back up. 3 Damage attacks and it finishs the fight!

-Ice Race (Beat that tiny little bitch of a bear!): HOLD DOUBLE FORWARD and move left and right with a & d. Jump before the edge where the orca (Boost powerup) is. Once you have one, you don't really need any others. As soon as you are about to head down hill, activate with left click and then immediately start right clicking. You are going to do this for the rest of the level, so get used to it. Follow path and if you use another boost, just keep clicking (This game is finicky, so I would honestly just hold on to them if you lose your speed for whatever reason). End level and click NO to continue.

-Valley Of Fire (This bitch is hot as bawls): Hold double forward, swipe vine thingies, move forward, skip cutscene, avoid giant hole, jump over the bush by angling between the bush and the rock to the right. Jump down to the next platform, Jump down to the rock below, fall off rock, jump down to the next platform. Go around bush on left side and jump across, climb up, skip cutscene, jump onto steam platform. turn the corner, jump on top of rock to your right, angle yourself between bristle bush on the right and tree on the left and jump on top of bush, turn around and jump on top of other bristle bush, jump to the platform below. Jump to the landing to the right of platform, Follow Path.

Game will save so you have as many attempts as you want with this. Run up towards the small blue spot on raised edge in front of you. AS SOON AS KENAI STARTS THE CLIMBING ANIMATION, Brightness boost and mash for about 2 seconds or so. You should hear him land (although he may be in the wall and you have to wiggle waggle your way over to the platform). Once on the edge, run towards the shiny thing in the distance. End of level

-Second Hunter Fight (He's hot as bawls in that get up, I guarantee it): Immediately run over to the right of the boulder alley and face the edge of the cliff off to the left, You will see where to line up once the hunter comes around.

Left click to roar him down, and run up to him, angling so your next roar attack will send him flying off the edge. once aligned, left click again. He dead.... End of fight!

-Salmon Forest (Something smell fishy in here?): Wait for cutscene, run up the path, swipe 2 bushes collect acorns and swipe yellow berry bush and collect berries. Run over to the moose , skip cutscene, Run over to logs in water.

Angle yourself so you're jumping toward the corner of the rock and logs on the left side, should allow you to jump over them.

Run over to the 2 Yellow berry bushes and swipe until you are full up on your eagle totem. Jump onto the rock, then run and jump into the eagle totem

AS KENAI IS HALFWAY THROUGH HIS SPIN, JUMP AGAIN. This should allow you to go between the two rocks directly in front of you. If not, hug the left rock and go between it and the tree to the left of it.

Follow the path back from where you started and go between the mountain/rocks, Fly over to the adjacent landing and follow the path up until the eagle drops you. Follow path to 3rd hunter fight (it will save prior).

This fight is sorta random, but just try to line up the hunter so he gets thrown against a small or corner, he has crappy AI and won't move depending on the location. But Laser beam the asshat of a brother and move on.

Deal with cutscene, follow path, skip cutscene.

Now jump up onto the left side of the logs, face the wall, jump again, face towards the opposite end of the logs on the right side, but keep your angle in a little (this takes some practice). Jump over towards the middle, you'll be hovering, jump again and you'll go over the top. Run through the waterfall and collect the next totem. End of level!

-Salmon Run (Another autoscroller.... hurray..): Just hold down and drag across the bottom the entire time. Try and hit as many objects to slow you down. You'll pass 2 bubble producer, avoid these as they will prolong the level. Eventually you'll run out of air and lose. Which is awesome! Say NO, and NEXT/LAST LEVEL

-FINAL FUCKING SHOWDOWN!!!!!! (It's just another hunter fight... but with cutscenes!):

Kill the hunter.... that's it. Do your best to aim accurately and try to get him off the edge, he pops back up on the right side of the edge, where you'll want to be standing guard. Just knock him off the edge 2-3 times and he's dead. PRACTICE THIS, otherwise you'll panic and perform poorly on this part if you're on a decent run. It's really easy once you understand how he's going to react.

I personally try to manipulate him by running to the left side of him, right off the bat and circling him towards the edge, if you rush him and then back off enough for him to stop, he'll stand right next to the edge. Knock him off and head to the respawn spot and camp him until he's down.

-END (Enjoy the shitty cutscenes and stuff.... and good luck on the next run!~)

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