New Speedrun Categories
United States

Will there be more speedrun categories for specific activities like Dungeons/Capstone Dungeons/Nightmare Dungeons, etc?

United States

There are all dungeon speedruns and zone dungeon speedruns. But Capstone dungeons would be a good addition as well as co-op (duos/trios/quads).

bludENDguts dan Almighty_Stryker menyukai ini
United States

Yeah we need a WT3 Capstone Category please! Something like a simulated start of season reset would make a lot of sense. It should be achievable under 3 hours, and honestly I would probably expect even faster. That is a much more approachable run time and probably more attractive to people looking to practice for ladder reset.

New York, USA

T3 capstone unlock from fresh character (necro) 4:46:28. I haven't seen anyone else time it, my last run was 7 hours. I intend to claim this as WR until someone beats it (definitely easily beaten, if I ran it again I can shave off 20 minutes immediately, probably significantly more depending on the rules).

Several additional rules also implemented during the run. Would like this as a category, and want to discuss the rules. This certainly would have passed any rules that are come up with comparing to the campaign run. (no obels use, no codex until 25, no codex unless you complete that dungeon on the fresh character) I also dont play softcore so I barely had any resources and had to salvage almost all my drops.

Also, I plan on doing this run on HC as well. Should be a separate category and I do not know why that isn't one for the campaign. I do not see why we have a category for every dungeon and not this, which is really the closest thing to speedruns for D2 so maybe I am out of touch.

Jymnasium menyukai ini
New York, USA

I am also working on a guide for the route. Right now its just a messy word doc. But I would like to clean it up to share so others can attempt as well.

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Hey we are working on all those suggestions that right now. it will take some days to set up. We thank you all for the suggestions.

Almighty_Stryker dan ViTruth menyukai ini
New York, USA

Do we know what the category name is going to be and are the rules going to be the same as the campaign runs?

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

the setup was faster then i imagined we added capstone dungeons and coop run's. rules are mostly the same as campaign exept some player count clarifications etc.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
ViTruth dan Jymnasium menyukai ini