How to time a new route
2 years ago

Hey everybody. I've been working on a new route for a while (took a break when Elden Ring came out, about to pick it up again) and I'm almost done. I've done some rough timings (which I've forgotten) and found out that my route should break even or be a little bit faster, on average, than the current any% route.

I'm just wondering if anybody has tips for timing two different routes to find out if one is better or not.

Palmer menyukai ini
Texas, USA

I'd be happy to look it over myself if you have any kind of notes or anything for it if you'd like. Outside of just guessing based on overall run experience, you really don't have many ways to get a consistent idea since there's a lot of RNG and execution over a normal single segment run that can impact time.

My best advice would be to just get a rough estimate of how long it takes you to do certain fights or dungeons and compare it vs current leaderboard runs for each section. Get an idea for the over all time there and then compare the two. It definitely won't be perfect but it should give you an idea. Whatever you think is best for ya! Excited to hear!

PuzzledWings menyukai ini
Texas, USA

Also, the current WR is with a route that is about 10~ minutes slower (black belt route). So, I'd compare vs Otonyshi's run (Mural Route) for the sake of figuring out which route is faster.

PuzzledWings menyukai ini

Thanks for replying. I guess it's a good thing that I got distracted, because my route idea was more or less even in time to your route, but with Treasure Hunter for a more consistent Black Belt farm.

It would have been knocked out of the park by this new route I just learned about, haha.

I wasn't too happy about having to use Shadowa on the Robos in the Primitive Cube, since a strong Monk or physical attacker can just one shot them. I'm probably going to look into the new route and see if there's a way to shove a physical character in there someway, because I found you could save 2-3 minutes in endgame if you had one. (from memory)

It seems less likely, at this point, because there's no reason to bring Assassin up to level 32 for Treasure Hunt anymore. I'll look at the ideas I was having in my route and see if they're transferable to the new route.

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