Unlock inaccesible rooms glitch
1 month ago

A couple months ago I decided to do some glitch hunting in the game. By using the buttons in the flash player's control tab, I managed to cause some weird things to happen to the game, like all the text boxes playing 1 after another. Somehow I managed to unlock a room that's inaccesible if you play normally, and I can't seem to replicate it. Anyone know how to replicate?

United Kingdom

Do you remember where you were in the game when you triggered the glitch?

No, but it can probably be done anywhere based on the behaviour it had

Here's a video of me messing around with the flash player controls. When you press play, it cycles through all the levels in the map, top to bottom, left to right, including a lot of inaccesible levels that look exactly like the one I unlocked. Sometimes after pressing step back then step forward you can only press Esc once, it crashes if you press it a second time. Still have no idea how i unlocked the level.

When I was in the inaccessible level, I couldn't move but I could reset and use the map.

Video didn't come through, it's called "Sprocket Rocket: Messing around with flash player controls glitch" on youtube

United Kingdom

Alright, I've found the video. This is quite an interesting thing you have found here. I am curious to what this unused room was for.

Diedit oleh penulis 1 month ago
Somerset, England

I'm the original developer/designer of this game (I made it under contract to Aardman). I can probably dig out the original source and look into it if you like?

Somerset, England

I found the old Flash project... The map works as a big timeline, with each frame being a room. It's 200 frames, 20 frames for the first row of rooms, 20 for the next etc. The following picture should make this clearer

Somerset, England

I'm not really sure what "secret room" you're referring to. This is every room in the game. The empty ones are usually just inaccessable without the next-frame glitch in the video. I've had a quick look through, and I think every room that has content in it is linked in the game.

Somerset, England

I originally built it like that for simplicity. I just use the Flash editor to move things around, position walls, graphics, interactive elements etc. You can set it up in a way that costs virtually no extra SWF size to have those redundent rooms, then you can map and plan the game as you go

Somerset, England

It wasn't really designed to run in the standalone Flash player, as on the web you can disable those back/forward actions. I think... It's all so long ago I'm not sure I'm remembering it correctly now!

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