Final Boss Phase 3 Optimization
Final Boss Phase 3 Optimization
अपडेट किया गया 7 years ago से BoursinBurger

Observing Tychoon during Knaus's section of the final fight, I wondered if it could be possible to exploit his behavior. My initial tests show some potential.

Important discoveries:

  1. The objects Knaus needs to blow up have a set order in which they are primed for demolition.
  2. When you drop dynamite, Tychoon will try to come out of the porthole closest to it and attempt to vacuum it if he can get to it before it explodes.
  3. After vacuuming dynamite, the porthole it comes out of is deterministic and can be manipulated.

Use this crude picture I drew as reference:

The targets of destruction are numbered in order. The portholes are labeled A through H. In most cases, Tychoon will teleport the dynamite to different places depending on which way he is facing out of the porthole when vacuuming. These directions are labeled with arrows and subscript 1 and 2. Portholes C and D are the exceptions. They will always teleport to F and E, respectively.

The chart on the right shows all porthole inputs and outputs. From these, we can extrapolate generic zones where dynamite will be teleported to one specific porthole output from anywhere in that zone. These are circled and labeled.

Now, knowing all of this information, how can we abuse it in the demolition sequence?

Object 1 is a freebie. Tychoon offers no resistance when walking to it and destroying it.

Next, get Tychoon to vacuum a dynamite to porthole F and destroy object 2 while you place a second dynamite next to object 3.

The next target, object 4, would suggest dropping a dynamite near object 5 so it can be vacuumed and deposited at porthole A, but the dynamite ejections from portholes A and B are quite forceful, and usually land next to E and F, respectively. So it seems like destroying 4 manually is the best option unless some more trickery can be found.

Next is object 5, with porthole F conveniently next to it. Drop a dynamite at object 6 and it should be delivered to 5, then drop another dynamite next to 6 to destroy it.

That leaves 7 and 8. As stated before, I don't see how to get a dynamite to explode next to porthole B, but if that can be discovered, dropping it to the left of G is the best bet. 8 of course would be demolished last with no help from Tychoon.

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पोस्ट किया गया 7 years ago
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