Basics, Tricks and Movement
Basics, Tricks and Movement
अपडेट किया गया 9 years ago से pr0te

Written by Someflow

This guide aims to provide information about movement tech, clips and basic things for going fast.

[section=Basic Things] Movement Speeds There are 3 main horizontal ways of movement. The main thing to pay attention to is that every time Wario's feet leave the ground and then touch it again (i.e jumping, dropping down a ledge) or at the end of every Dash Wario's horizontal speed is set to 0 (or at least lowered by a bit).

  • Walking This should be your main form of movement when you want to traverse a longer horizontal distance without any obstacles in the way.

  • Dashing Dashing as a main form of movement is slower than walking. Try to dash as little as possible.

  • Dashjumping If you want to avoid smaller obstacles (enemies, small blocks, etc.) or want to cover horizontal and vertical distance at the same time this should be your movement of choice.

Cutscene Interactions There are a few places where you can save time with an input even when you don't have direct control of Wario.

  • Holding the corresponding directional input when Wario is walking in cutscenes will make him walk a bit faster. This saves about 1.5 seconds if done during the intro and when you enter the temple to confront Rudy.
  • Holding Down when there's text scrolling on screen speeds it up.
  • After opening a chest you can hold A instead of mashing it to advance to the score screen on the first possible frame.

Breaking Blocks Before Garlic upgrade Dashing straight against cracked blocks will bounce you back and slightly upwards. More optimally you want to break them using a Dashjump.

  • If you jump out of the Dash on the frame before you hit the blocks and there's no cieling directly above you, you can break up to two rows of blocks.
  • Hitting blocks with the end of a Dashjump will allow you to recover quicker than a normal Dashjump.
  • Just Dashjumping against blocks let's you still recover faster than a normal Dash.

After Garlic upgrade Often it is more optimal to use a normal Dash to break blocks, because it goes further. The rules that applied to normal cracked blocks, now apply to the hard blocks. There are still exceptions to this rule of thumb, though.

Skipping transformation animations If Wario hits an enemy during a transformation, the animation for the transformation gets cancelled in favor of the interaction Wario's transformed state has with the enemy. This is mostly useful for skipping the "Turning-Fat"-animation. Obviously if a transformation has no special animation, there's also nothing to skip.

Quick Boilerpushing Walk up to the side of the boiler turn away from it and initiate a Dash. Stop the Dash by turning around immediately and repeat the process. This avoids bouncing back every time you hit the boiler with a Dash.

[section=Movement Tech] Sliding If you press down anytime during a Dash, Wario goes into a slide motion. This is useful to fall down one block wide gaps directly. It also has way more initial horizontal speed than just crawling so you want to avoid crawling in favor of sliding as much as possible. Eventhough Wario's movement slows down near the end of the slide, you can cancel out of the slide simply by jumping.

Enemybounce (Requires Jumping Boots) If you jump after throwing an enemy upward you can bounce off of him midair. This allows you to gain more height than normal jumps.

  • Small enemies: For small enemies throw them upwards, immediately jump after the throw, hold slightly Forward and keep holding A and up until you bounce of the enemy.
  • Big enemies: For bigger enemies you need to charge your upwards throw. The timing for the jump is also a bit tighter, so this is a lot trickier.

Cornerboosting If you jump at a corner from below with most of Wario's hitbox behind the corner, Wario gets a horizontal push until the rest of his model is past the corner. This gives Wario a few pixels of horizontal distance.

[section=Clipping/Walljumping] Wario has multiple ways of clipping into walls in this game which can again be used for different things. This is sometimes referred to as a walljump. For simplicity sake I will just refer to it as clipping. To clip into walls Wario has to be a specific distance away from the wall he wants to clip into, which means there are specific pixel positions that allow him to clip. There are most of the time multiple possible placements for every wall to clip.

[center]Setting up[/center] Dash against a wall and bounce back. A possible pixel will be 3-4 pixels away from the place you bounced to. It varies between every wall if it is 3 or 4 pixels. Finding the right pixel for the first time can be a lot of trial and error. After you found a pixel that works for you it's best to remember a visual cue. For example lining wario's feet or the edge of the screen up with something. More indepth video by Vlack:

[center]Ways of clipping[/center] There are 2 main ways of clipping Dash After setting up in the correct position, turn towards the wall and initiate a Dash. Now press away from the wall two frames before you'd hit it to cancel the Dash. On the first frame of this turn animation you still have some freedom. You can choose to jump, press towards the wall or just press nothing:

  • Jumping will get you into a state where the clip is stored and you can clip by pressing towards the wall
  • Pressing a directional input towards the wall (and keeping that input pressed) will store the clip state (visually you'll see Wario just walking up against the wall). If you release the directional input, Wario will get forced into a crouch state. While walking Wario is still clipped, which means if he's transformed during his walk cycle he will still be clipped into the wall.
  • If you don't press anything Wario will just clip into the wall with one pixel of his hitbox forcing you to crouch.

Dashjump This method is set-up exactly like the normal Dash method. You initiate a Dashjump by pressing B and then immediately A. This time you have to press away from to wall you want to clip into one frame before you hit it. This directional input should only be for one frame, which is why a lot of people pausebuffer it. Your horizontal momentum will die and you will start dropping down. As soon as you press towards the wall again you will clip into it.

More indepth video by Vlack:

[center]Uses of Clipping[/center] Just clipping into walls doesn't sound useful, but there are multiple ways you can use clipping to your advantage.

Height Gain The most common use of Wallclips is to gain height and get up to places you're not supposed to get to, from your starting point. If you use the Dashjump method gaining height is trivial. You trigger the clip as soon as you enter the clip-state and because the game always pushes you up to the next block height when you clip, you can get up ledges that were barely out of reach. Using the Dash-method you gain height by jumping on the first frame of the turn animation and then pressing towards the wall at any point of your jump to clip into the wall.

Transformation Climbing If you are in a clipped state and transform into either Fat Wario, Vampire Wario, Zombie Wario or Spring Wario you can jump while clipped into a wall, which is normally impossible, and start clipping upwards block by block allowing you to "climb" walls. This can be used to clip through walls or gain a lot of height.

[center]Special clips[/center] Waterclip There is no good way to find possible placements for this clip. There are a few pixels that people have found to work, so it's best to just use those at first. After setting up in the correct postion you need to fall in the water on a certain frame of your Dash animation, which is easier than it sounds, because most pixel setups only require you to dash from your starting position. If you performed

Enemybounce clip It is possible to clip after an enemy bounce. This technique can be used to clip to places that are extraordinarily high. Placement for this is very specific and you have to take both the arc the enemy takes when you throw him and of course the wall you want to clip into in account. If you are set up in the correct position, throw the enemy upwards and as soon as possible start a Dashjump. Keep holding A and up so you actually bounce of the enemy. If you bounced correctly you will be in a clipped state the same way as if you used the Dashjump method to clip with the only difference being you still have upwards momentum from bounching off the enemy. Now just press towards the wall as soon as you want to clip.

1-Block-wide Clip This way of clipping is used when you have only a one block wide space infront of the wall you want to clip into, which means you can't position yourself far enough from the wall for any of the normal clipping methods. For this method you stand a pixel away from the wall you want to clip into and look away from it. Initiate a Dash and turn around when you're about to fall off. Start another Dash on the first frame of the turn animation. Now you'll dash towards the wall. If done correctly you're Dash will have the same properties as the normal Dash-Clipping-method. Video of a few example clips:

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