Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Why replaced? Another more for my opinion. For me if categoru not free to do WR and intresting like Double kill, it can be allowed to leaderboard. Anyway, I'm not moderator, so I can't do anything, but I wish people to know about insane, but unknown world records in rejected categories.

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Yes, categories that not too hard for verify by this amount of moderators are rejected, becuase somebody not like it. THINK ABOUT OTHERS, MODS! A lot of good runs and catgeories are unknown. And Anti-Pacifist emty category is on leaderboard. Why so there is now categories with 10th or more players, who would like to do it?

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Can we do reset of the game in 10 walljumps category? I mean 1st walljump is free, so we can do it 10 times on a row. Still not gonna be faster then current WR I think.

mammaru339 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

For TAS you can do different input combinations, for example do the 8-1 without slow down, do a small jump from top stair, first possible frame, when you touching flag. Then start to add L presses instead of some R presses like R-R-L-R-L-R-L-R or R-R-L-L-R-R, before you will get first time when you willn't grab the flag. Then normal pole inputs -L-L-L-LA and test some R releases near pole, if it's not work.

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Category name: Double kill (you can also call it differently, like Mario&Bowser Double kill) Runners: Me, JohnyMandarino adn jeremyMKW promised to upload his run. Category rules: Do the axe grab, when Mario touching bowser and dieing. Timing like normal category with axe grab. Extra information: Sorry if it was already requested and rejected. Gere is my really solid run of this category with 1-1 flagpole glitch, really want something like that on leaderboard. I also have movie for this one.

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

I can't understand how releasing right is easier. It's so wierd for me. Also releasing right making possibility of D70/D60 much less then in my setup.

KilleDragon इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Edit: didn't knew about releasing right setup. But still possible that pressing left is easier then realising right and I don't know is there a good few frames on a row to do that and get D70/D60.

KilleDragon इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

I got fast enough FPG to save framerule and I think that on keyboard it's easier to manipulate subpixel for D70 Youtube video description Finally got that fast enough for fastest framerule FPG with save state. All the proof are here: -I have .bk2 movie, if you want (BizHawk 1.12.2 Emulator). -Streamed live -Hand camera So with L and R priority you need to press Left for 2 frames on ground and it gives you from D40 to D70 But it's possible to choose useful moment to press it and there is 2 frames when you can start press it and get D70-D70-D60, very possible pole inputs. But is R-L-L-R possible on console controller and wouldn't it be a lot harder? So can this be easier on keyboard end emulator setup then on console, which opens the question about legacy of using in in any% World Record on emu in future? My FPG See StuckInAPlate's full 8-1 video description to know what current D50-D70- setup doing.

KilleDragon, eddiecatgaming और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Pole Position
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

I just watched f1 game evolution and this game included and it's first ever for f1. To be honest, I think it's about formula one.

धागा: Pole Position
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony5 years ago

Can we and should we add this game to the F1 series? Speedrun.com/F1

NightEagle13000 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony6 years ago

Thank you. Actually it is one of the best achivements in my life for today.

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony6 years ago

There is few TAS'es with fastest mode of Super Mario Bros, includes PAL ROM on NTSC FPS, but they are not optimal, which makes confusions between this TAS'es and normal PAL world record by HappyLee. People can't understand what TAS is better. To avoid confusions I did my version of PAL TAS World record (That was so hard!) and made another video with playing it on NTSC mode, which is 60.098 FPS instead of 50. So the current best time is

04:51.74 on PAL with normal timing and 04:51.70 with TASvideos.org timing, idk how they got 2 frames faster.

04:02.720 normal timing with NTSC mode, It is fastest playthrought of Super Mario Bros ever, becuase this fast mode sometimes happens in real consoles and not real cheating (but still NOT LEGAL).

SazonSmash, Lul_ecks_dee, और Alaskaxp2 इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony6 years ago

The small jumps are better and better coming with experience, 1 frame jump is too small, but it is also just practise and practise. It is ossible to learn. This is like hard for the brain do small jumps. I feels, like I'm doing same with year ago ,but I thought that 1-2 jump near koopa and 2 goombas is impossible, now I'm doing it very consistently, I hope.

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony6 years ago

I feels the framerule on levels like that saved if number is better then original number, like instead of 4-1 we need 4-2 annd instead of 8-1 we need 8-2.

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony6 years ago

Yes, we need more than 3 images, like 5 or even 10, becuase so much of Any% players are legends with legend runs!

KingOfJonnyBoy इसे पसंद करता है
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony6 years ago

You could post it in my Theory TASes thread for make it more useful.

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony6 years ago

My version of PAL, forgot to write post about that. PAL is not leaderboard category, but it is popular meme and have lot of intresting TAS stuff. Of course you know HappyLee's TAS. I hope my is as good, because I founded most of tricks imself and did nice entertainment. Actually, it is my best speedrun for today.

KingOfJonnyBoy इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Ukrainezdoroviy_antony6 years ago

I'm pretty slow at warpless, so I'm not taking part, but very happy about this tournament and will try to watch it.

Ukrainezdoroviy_antony6 years ago

Literally, it is longest term for me, when run not verified.

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