धागा: Try. Die. Repeat.
Brazilrodolfodth5 years ago

Holy fuck guys, It's awesome you guys are speedrunning this version of the game <3

I'm working on a new one and I really want you guys playing it!

PLEASE email me at contact@madvikingstudio.com so I can send you guys a Steam Key when the game get's released!

With love, Rodolfo. <3

धागा: Introductions
Brazilrodolfodth8 years ago

Hello guys!

My name is Rodolfo, I'm from Brazil and I love to do speedruns / watch them too. I got hooked to the runs while watching the SGDQ from 2013 if I remember correct :) I don't have any good time to submit yet, but who knows, in the future!

I'm a game developer too, the 7 days made version of my game is here and 3 people already did a run on it, 3 min! haha xD Now I'm working on the full version, and for sure I will leave a lot of things for the awesome runners <3

Cya! :D

धागा: Try. Die. Repeat.
Brazilrodolfodth8 years ago

Hello guys, I'm the developer from Try. Die. Repeat. and I'm working in the full version of the game now. The game will be a semi-open world with some items to collect and secret passages, etc...

The unique problem is, the game is very heavy on RNG, like different characters, items (all the items will have a special effect / power), etc...

What do you guys think? Keep the RNG with some constrains to not mess to much with the runners or give the opportunity to you guys input a RNG Seed so the all randoms stay the same while playing multiple times?

Thanks! :DD

rodolfodth के बारे में
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8 years ago
5 years ago
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Try. Die. Repeat.
Try. Die. Repeat.
अंतिम यात्रा 5 years ago