Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1158 years ago

message me on skype (robthegamer117) name should come up as robert zombie, profile pic as gooboo steve

Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1158 years ago

I have a route made entirely made up - https://docs.google.com/document/d/12fPuYf2ijo4de32Ey5yVYrRtDU1fKlZGRotXnbib78o/

if you want to talk it over, let me know, as I know the game very well. However, I must warn you that I estimate 100% to take around 6 hours, so be ready for that. If you do decide to do a run, perhaps that will motivate me to do a run of my own finally.

धागा: Pac-Man World
Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1158 years ago

If you or someone else would like to run PMW1 GBA 100%, then do a run, and send me a link over this forum. Once a run is completed, I will add it as a category, and then you may submit it.

धागा: Pac-Man World 2
Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1158 years ago

hello there D4nny! glad to have a new runner in PMW2.

  1. Im not positive which timer you are using. If you're using livesplit, then simply go into edit and you can add splits (or checkpoints). The game doesn't automatically notify the timer when it passes a level, you need to designate a button on the keyboard to go to the next split and press it when you beat a level

  2. In butane pain, you can get eight lives at once, so collect the eight lives, kill yourself, collect the eight lives, kill yourself, rinse and repeat. Be sure to beat the level afterwards though!

  3. In regards to using emulator, I want to say that its ok, but if you start getting extremely good times (such as sub 50) then your runs might be looked at more carefully. If you livestream, then it should definitely be fine though. However, that is something ruse is better off answering.

I hope i was a huge help, and I cant wait to see any% runs! - robthegamer117

धागा: Pokémon Red/Blue
Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1158 years ago

yes - you can do pp strats, which involve lowering bulbasaur's pp for tackle to 16 and his growl pp to 36, learning leech seed, and putting the moves in the following order - leech seed, tackle, growl. Also, be sure you dont go over level 8. Hopefully I didn't leave anything out.

Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1158 years ago

other than the simple jump down stairs quickly trick, I can't think of any tricks.

धागा: Pokémon
Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

It depends on what category you are running. If it's a glitchless run of a game, then timing is by igt and as such, saving and quitting is not allowed. however, if it's a glitched category, then save and quit is allowed.

धागा: Pac-Man World 2
Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

Also, more specifically, the Gamecube version 1.1 is the fastest. the 1.1 version is the one that says players choice on the cover. the game included in the bundle with pacman vs. is also 1.1

jdog653 और Mugman इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Mario Party 8
Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

I believe that the rules should stay the same, but that each run is timed correctly in the future, by starting when you click start game, and ending when the final needed star is collected. I myself have done a level run of every board, and was about to submit them when i saw this post. I will hold off on submitting them until this issue has been resolved, however clearly there needs to be consistency between the timing of the runs

Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

tbh, I would probably rather keep it the same way. The only reason is that it could make timing be potentially awkward for runs. As for including runners, I ran the entire Ty series on PS2 for the longest time, and still had fun (and WR in ty 2 and 3 for a while). If people truly want to speedrun Ty, then they should make their goal to be the fastest on their console. An alternative that would make more sense in my opinion is make each console a separate category. That would make it more competitive for all, and make so that if a PC version does get released, it can become its own category. However, I will accept whatever the majority decides.

धागा: Pokémon Red/Blue
Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

any% NSC (No Save Corruption) is a misc. category. If you're referring to literal any%, then its too short to be worth making a category.

धागा: Pac-Man World 2
Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

The reason 100% does not include all 189 tokens is because the requirements for making the save file 100% does not include getting all the tokens

धागा: The Site
Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

I would also love to volunteer my time to help out, although the closest I have to an example of writing is part of a guide for Pac-man World any% (link here - https://docs.google.com/document/d/18F8kNkQdIBqIL_WXvwUb01bwqPQ5PuArcS3QnE8z2pE/). Perhaps, because so many people want to help out and it is a volunteer thing, you could have several writers. That way, the group could proofread each other's articles, help each other out in writing/research (especially when writers block occurs), and one person doesn't feel like its entirely their responsibility. Regardless of what you guys do though, I think this is a great idea, and can't wait to read/write speedrunning articles

Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

ialready made another forum on the BLOPS 1 zombies series, but if anyone wants to try a speedrun for any zombie easter eggs in BLOPS 1 or 2 on xbox 360, let me know and I'll join. I want to try to get a solid group of four together.

Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

In order to get the somewhat small Ty speedrunning community more united, I think we should all get into a skype group. It allows people to communicate easily, set up races, share strategies, and generally help each other out. Im in a skype group for the Pac-Man series and it helps out a lot. If anyone agrees, say so, and we can try to work something out.

धागा: Speedrunning
Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

Personally, I believe if the run is timed using RTA, and the timer is paused, it should be allowed to be submitted, but not considered WR, and should be counted as a segmented run, not as a full run. however, this also is a case by case. every game is going to have different rules.

Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

There is no way to skip any of the intro level, because the first level is broken up into two phases, 1 without the bunyip and one with it. In the one with it, if you use cheats to get through part of it without the bunyip, you essentially soft lock the game. Meaning you need to be in the bunyip the second half of the level. Once in the bunyip, the only skip that would save any time at all is skipping all the shooting down of the giant mechs, which as far as I can tell, cant be avoided because the next door opens during a cutscene. As for the first half of the level, there are no tricks that I have found, or that even exist in theory that would save time. Since the level is flat, and getting out of bounds would allow you to merely fly through stuff (as evident in ty 1, and Im pretty sure Ty 2 is on the same engine), getting OOB is useless. If anyone thinks differently, feel free to explore your hearts content (I did, and discovered a secret house that I had never known about).

धागा: Pokémon Red/Blue
Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

Im willing to help you, however im confused on what you are asking. You are stating that after underflowing your items, your items didn't match up with the stream? If that's the question, then that's normal. Some items and amounts will differ, and they don't matter. As long as the items that are switched in the run are there (for example, the masterballs and full heals) then you're good. Amounts of these items will vary as well. Hope that helps.

Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

So me and MLSTRM already talked about this, and I wanted to know what others felt. Out of all the collectibles in the game (Kromium Orbs, Cogs, Bilbies, Photos, Races, Missions, Steve's, Boomerangs), what should be required in a 100% run? Personally, I believe all should be required except all boomerangs, as that requires about half an hour of grinding opals, which is no fun, however, I feel other runners should get a say in this.

Massachusetts, USArobthegamer1159 years ago

In regards to the first video, how did they do this? Is that a repeatable glitch, and if so, is it repeatable in other bodies of water. In regards to the second video, the glitch where he climbs himself up to the cog that requires warperang is very useful, and I actually discovered that one on my own, however the rest of those glitches are useless. I found a few in game timesavers myself, and can work on a compilation video showcasing them in the next few weeks

robthegamer115 के बारे में
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