दौड़: Amidst the Sky
Małopolskie, Polandpro_janus9 months ago

Welp, that took quite a while...

Małopolskie, Polandpro_janus2 years ago

oh frick, I got so stressed I dIdn't even notice that..., welp.

GUSE0 इसे पसंद करता है
Małopolskie, Polandpro_janus2 years ago

congrats on sub 5, but don't worry, It won't take me long to get there too.

Małopolskie, Polandpro_janus2 years ago

Well, In my opinion measuring tme from first input is a great idea.

GUSE0 और BluishGreenPro इसे पसंद करें
Małopolskie, Polandpro_janus2 years ago

A war my friend, a war...

Fluffy1024 इसे पसंद करता है
Małopolskie, Polandpro_janus2 years ago

congrats on sub six, enjoy the first place, for now :)

Małopolskie, Polandpro_janus2 years ago

Congrats! That was a nice run.

Małopolskie, Polandpro_janus2 years ago

Thanks! Actualy, I had other runs that were better than my first run, but I decided to submit one, when I get significant improvement, so I wouldn't bother you too much :)

Małopolskie, Polandpro_janus2 years ago

Ouch, my bad, I forgot to copy the new link and, by an accident pasted my former run...

GUSE0 इसे पसंद करता है
pro_janus के बारे में
सामिल हुए
2 years ago
2 months ago
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