Francekdx2a2 years ago

Hello, I couldn't find a Discord server for this game so I figured I would post here.

Attaching the head after falling through a semi-solid allows ElecHead to pass without powering the circuits. The video is self-explanatory.

Crep इसे पसंद करता है
Francekdx2a3 years ago

Hi. While I was practicing my Hell, an eye disappeared for seamingly no reason.

I was playing on a GNU/Linux system, 60.0Hz refresh rate, and -ultralowdetail launch flag. Level is 4-14, played with drunk Meat Boy.

Do you have any idea from where it could come from? Would encountering this kind of gltich unintentionaly during a run unvalidate it? Thank you for your attention.

Edit: Happened three more times today while running.

Francekdx2a4 years ago

Hey, I just beated Zone 1 in Impossible difficulty without taking any damage nor collecting any coin. That was really fun (and hard) to do, my play is underoptimized and I think it would be a fun thing to compete on. I don't really want to submit mine as a run, but maybe consider adding such a category? Thanks ^^'

Francekdx2a4 years ago

Hello there!

This is a double bounty, it can be claimed twice (two levels can get the price, whatever if it's by two different creators or one). Total prize is 10€.

I'll give 5€ by Steam to the creator of the next level to potentiaky appear on that leaderboard(-> demon difficulty levels). You can submit your's on the Discord server, if it takes more than 2 hours for me to beat it AND if it has decently good level design (no trash level), your level will be added on the leaderboard as soon it's beaten and I will give you 5€ on Steam.

See you soon hopefully ^^

Are prohibited:

  • blind level
  • levels that don't reset on death
  • motion sensor and darkness

First bounty claimed by @Hirassy

ThatBox इसे पसंद करता है
Francekdx2a4 years ago

The first person to get a legit any% run verified with a time bellow 39 minutes will get a 10€ Steam card.

Why Steam? Privacy mesure.

Francekdx2a5 years ago

Hey there ! I will give a 5€ Steam card to the first person to beat this custom level (by me), without modifying anything appart background and music. Don't trust the title, this is the hardest custom level ever made yet for this game.

A video proof is needed, record the game at least in 360p (16:9) resolution, 30fps, with sound and music. Post your submissions in this thread, ask here if you have any question ;)

Level download : https://tinyurl.com/easiestlevelyet

Google Doc with community levels ranked by difficulty : https://tinyurl.com/yh10s3custom

Francekdx2a5 years ago

I want to ask if we're all okay with that. The actual icon is from the Android/iOS version which is no longer a thing (the game is no longer on stores), and the only runned versions are the remake by Ratalaika from 2016. I propose to put this image as the game icon.


Narvi और pinhégas इसे पसंद करें
Francekdx2a5 years ago

Hey, I'm sorry to say that but the mobile version of LoE has been took of the stores. You can still run it, the company is dead so I guess it's OK to get the .apk on other websites.

Francekdx2a5 years ago

Hey, because 1 second is a lot on some levels and the skill required to do some levels get down because of the time glitch, I decided to add a new RTA category for the Steam version of the game only.

Here are the rules.

For this category, and this category only, the run is timed with real time (RTA) and uses millis. Timer start at the first frame after the black transition at the start of a level and and at the first frame where the Scientist white explosion circle appears.

Exemple : the first playable frame is at 0.25 seconds and the circle appears at 8.23 seconds. The final time is 8.23 - 0.25 = 7.98 seconds.

Timer needed. (No Android/iOS Version/Switch/PS here)

Have a nice day.

Francekdx2a6 years ago

Hi, I'm KikooDX, I love (but really) spreedrunning games, I repered Mutant Mudds on 2014/15~ (not sure) with the Demo Version on the 3DS. I finally bought the game on Steam, and Il think this will be the second game I will actively run with LoE. I really Enjoy this game and mechs, and especially Ghost Levels. They are pretty hardcore, and I think I will speedrun those. But... There is no Ghost category on the Full Game leaderboard, and I ask you with a lot of respect if you can add it. Thanks if you got patient enough to read me Keepo and Let's Go !

Francekdx2a6 years ago

Without any pretention can I ask you to could add IL category ? Thanks, KikooDX

teh_supar_hackr इसे पसंद करता है
Francekdx2a6 years ago

Please post here your questions and advice in rapport with the timer glitch and his guide.

DracaarysTrophy इसे पसंद करता है
Francekdx2a6 years ago

Hi, the rules and structure of the speedrun.com page changed a little bit : - Now the screenshots proofs are banned (old runs with screenshots are keeped) - Android/iOS Versions are separate of Steam/Switch/PS Versions on the IL leaderboard.

GR, KikooDX

drgrumble, DracaarysTrophy और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Francekdx2a6 years ago

Hi, I can't do the timer glitch anymore BibleThump Can someone verify ? Thanks

Francekdx2a6 years ago

For separate the Android/iOS of others

SickMyDuck इसे पसंद करता है
Francekdx2a6 years ago

That category was become useless. For exemple : in Bg% Blue I have two WRs with one run. With exactly the same time.

Francekdx2a6 years ago

Hi, I want try run the Ogmo+% category but I don't found any valid download link for the character unlocker tool (). Can someone help me ? Thanks.

Francekdx2a6 years ago

Hi, can you accept level runs, for the 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 etc. for exemple ? Thanks.

Francekdx2a6 years ago

Hi @Pokecrafter64, I'm still waiting for my runs and your last activity was 2 weeks ago. Can you make me mod for verify my owns runs and other ? Thanks a lot.

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