दौड़: Military Madness
United Statesguido232 months ago

My timer on this one showed 22:15, but the run seems to have been accepted here as 22:01. Was that a mistake, or does this mean I'm not starting/ending my timer on the right triggers?

धागा: Cadash
United Statesguido231 year ago

Sweet, so yeah, can we get an all boss category? And/or a 100% category? And how about filling out the categories for the different classes? I would love to run as the Priest but there is no way she can be competitive with the ninja.

Amune138 इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Military Madness
United Statesguido231 year ago

GG! Great idea to skip the top factory. I think there are many time saves to be gained by effectively sequence breaking what is expected on many maps.

Dick_Danza इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: China Warrior
United Statesguido232 years ago

Here is a video I made to elucidate some weird punching behavior in China Warrior. After playing it for 31 years, I would really love to better understand the underlying punching mechanics so please chime in if you have any better info about how these work.

China Warrior is notorious for how hard it is to pull off the "Super Punch" consistently by simultaneously pressing Right and I. At 1:18 I start trying to Super Punch the boss and, after six attempts, finally land one at 1:30.

At 1:46 I demonstrate that the Super Punch can consistently work by letting yourself be hit 2x and then pressing I.

At 3:36 I also demonstrate something I call a "Machine Gun Punch" that I have never seen referenced elsewhere. It is accomplished by letting yourself be hit 3x and then pressing I.

United Statesguido232 years ago

Yes, stitching together a bunch of screen grabs may be the only way to go, but that would be very tedious, especially in later levels. I've seen some automapping software for the NES; I was wondering if something like that existed for the TG16. I think it would be really rad to "zoom out" and see the entire underworld(s) at once!

Cypherin इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Cadash
United Statesguido232 years ago

Would it be worthwhile to add a 100% category that includes the Kraken boss?

United Statesguido232 years ago

Are there any maps of the Keith Courage underworlds? I have searched online but haven't found any. If not, how would one go about creating them?

धागा: Military Madness
United Statesguido232 years ago

Um, how would I do that? Total speedrun n00b here.

धागा: China Warrior
United Statesguido232 years ago

Should we add a category for the second and third loops after you beat the first four acts? Full disclosure: I have never even beaten the second.

धागा: Military Madness
United Statesguido232 years ago

Excellent; can't wait to get started! I picked up NN a few years ago because my mind was blown that I never new Military Madness / Nectaris had a sequel. I only made it a few levels in, though, before getting distracted by life. It will be fun to restart it - and I wonder how the special new units will impact speedrunning.

धागा: Military Madness
United Statesguido232 years ago

As far ask I can tell there are currently only a couple of categories:

  1. any% for the entire first 16 stages
  2. any% for the first 16 individual stages

PrincessRescuer made a good suggestion about including a Charlie category and Annihilation category and of course we should include stages 17-32 - both in entirety and individually.

That would leave us with 32 individual stages, 1-16 in entirety, 17-32 in entirety, and(?) 1-32 in entirety (That would be one massive marathon - maybe better for a relay?), each with an any%, Charlie, and Annihilation category. In most cases any% and Charlie will be the same but I can't remember if that's always the case - there may be some stages that require Annihilation or where Annihilation is faster.

As broad and wide-ranging as this game is, I would guess that some stages would lend themselves to some funky categories, e.g. beating the stage without using any aircraft, or beating the stage without taking over any factories, etc. Also, would we be open to introducing any categories where time isn't the goal? Is that even possible? I'm thinking something like maximizing kill ratio.

No offense taken if this isn't of interest to anyone here but I'm hoping at least to seed a conversation.

धागा: Military Madness
United Statesguido232 years ago

If we really want to foster collaboration in this game, I thought it might be helpful to agree on a set of norms for defining strats for each level. As a starting point for discussion - but with no pride in authorship - I might propose the following Chess-like norms:

  • We refer to each hex tile with coordinates (Horizontal, Vertical) with the top-left tile being (0,0). This is a little clunky since some maps align more horizontally while others align more vertically, but I think it would suit our purposes. I've never played other hex tile games, though, so perhaps there are other coordinate systems that are more commonly used for them?
  • We give each unit on a map a unique designation. E.g. it could be Charlie-1, Charlie-2, etc. If we wanted to get a little more granular, we could add prefixes to differentiate between Player, Computer, and Neutral units, e.g. P-Charlie-1, E-Bison-1, N-Hunter-1, etc. If we go this route, I would propose leaving units with their original designation even after they have been captured by Player or Computer to avoid confusion.
  • This would allow us to define strats with specific moves - again, a la chess - e.g. P-Charlie-1 moves from (1,1) to (1,3) and attacks E-Bison-3 at (1,4), or E-Hadrian-2 attacks P-Kilroy-1 at (16,5).
  • It would be helpful to have a map with the hex overlay for each stage. I have some for the earlier stages and I have non-hex maps of the rest - but it is beyond my graphic design skillz to create full hex maps of each stage, including names for each unit (including those in factories).

If we can agree on these, I would be glad to take a stab at (or collaborate with others) putting together a guide for all 32 levels.

धागा: Military Madness
United Statesguido232 years ago

I didn't see an option for Charlie or Annihilation category but I would love to add that - Annihilation is how I'm used to playing this game (My OCD prefers to wipe all enemies off the map and get last one surrounded with 999 offense and defense.) so would love to run through it that way.

Also, even if this is a very small community, I would love to nerd out as much as we can. Does anyone know how to make maps of each stage with the hex overlay and unit icons so that we could document and share winning strategies?

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