Oregon, USAgreenham1 year ago


Thanks for your feedback and concerns here.

These are indeed legacy runs that followed the rules at the time of submission and therefore continue to be allowed on the boards as they are considered valid runs.

If you have any concerns as to their legitimacy, please provide evidence to the moderation team and we will review any top runs with valid concerns. In fact, we did precisely this with the former WR run back in February.

The ruleset of the category itself has not changed, we simply added more ways we can ensure runs are valid outside of the run itself, particularly on emulator.

This category is not exactly active and competitive at the top of the board, so in my personal opinion (not speaking for the mod team), I don't see any need for adjustments or a split of any sort.

Happy gaming!

Oregon, USAgreenham3 years ago

Check out this playlist of tutorial videos by superSKUJ: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPsUbwi58oG_hjrgq1wpYmM3JMEn9b8R8

Particularly the Indoor Clips / One Frame Clips Tutorial as he goes over select buffering vs using the sword or boots.

You can also find some more information on our wiki, this page might be useful: https://alttp-wiki.net/index.php/List_of_clips

BBoppers इसे पसंद करता है
Oregon, USAgreenham3 years ago

Which emulator are you using? Typically, the best way to handle this is to create a separate window capture for the window that pops up when you open the About dialog box that has the version info. Also note that this is only required for submissions in the top 20% of runs (but it is a good habit to get into).

BBoppers, BambooShadow और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Oregon, USAgreenham4 years ago

Or, do whatever you find fun and don't let others bully you into playing what they want you to play because they perceive it to be superior. Especially if they call it 'the big boy league'.

siriuscord और deserteagle417 इसे पसंद करें
Oregon, USAgreenham4 years ago

If you find it fun, go for it! There are a few runners that already do one-handed NMG, for which there's a leaderboard over on Category Extensions: https://www.speedrun.com/alttpce#Any_NMG_One-Handed

Oregon, USAgreenham4 years ago

@EmmJae correct, this version of the route is very simple and anyone under the sun can do it. It's not a very rewarding speedrun, but a neat party trick.

The version of the clips deagle posted along with the route here [ https://alttp-wiki.net/index.php/Any%25 ] is the optimal version of the route and something we look forward to seeing the submission queue. The jump s+q version, not so much.

Best of luck @RNGStreams!

deserteagle417 और EmmJae इसे पसंद करें
Oregon, USAgreenham4 years ago

We do not allow runs to be submitted by 3rd parties. Also, this run does not meet our rules and guidelines for the category.

Oregon, USAgreenham5 years ago

re: beginner tips, see this thread if you haven't already: https://www.speedrun.com/alttp/thread/1s03m

JohnRossums और MrGreenman इसे पसंद करें
Oregon, USAgreenham5 years ago

This is a known issue with how the categories and sub-categories are organized on the boards and pulled via the API through LiveSplit.

Your best bet, if you really want to show this, is to just add a Text field (Layout Editor -> + -> Information -> Text).

JohnRossums और MrGreenman इसे पसंद करें
Oregon, USAgreenham5 years ago

Welcome! Check out this thread: https://www.speedrun.com/alttp/thread/1s03m

Jaychalke इसे पसंद करता है
Oregon, USAgreenham6 years ago

^ this is mostly true, but to clarify:

A spindash is pressing a button the frame after releasing another button.

It's also somewhat difficult to define what is truly a "glitch" in this game and what is just abuse of game mechanics. Some of these glitches are version-specific, but some are not. Generally, these minor glitches do not sequence break the game in a significant enough way to consider banning them for the main category. However...

There's nothing preventing anyone from running a truly glitchless version if they so desire. Its lack of presence on these leaderboards has no bearing on what runners can/can't do. If there's enough interest in a category with a clear goal and definition, and enough people start running it, more than likely a leaderboard would be created for it.

AriesFireTiger इसे पसंद करता है
Oregon, USAgreenham7 years ago

There are no existing tutorials for the entire route, but there are a few resources:

Blank has a number of videos on his youtube channel that are helpful, namely:

Here's a doc with the route: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HZGpb5prw131uMz2FxJxUmtvyfQvDDafVQyv5rG-m6E/pubhtml?gid=1469878830&single=true

superSKUJ also has several videos which cover a variety of glitches used throughout the run: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPsUbwi58oG_hjrgq1wpYmM3JMEn9b8R8

Apart from that, I would just advise watching some of the top runs on the leaderboard.

Hope this helps!

vichisuki और ChristosOwen इसे पसंद करें
Oregon, USAgreenham7 years ago

If you think it's absolutely the controller and you're looking for a different one, http://amzn.to/2vcF6lq (iBuffalo) is what a lot of emulator users go with. Another option is a USB SNES adapter with an original controller.

ChristosOwen इसे पसंद करता है
Oregon, USAgreenham7 years ago

Here's a comprehensive set of tutorial videos made by superSKUJ covering a variety of glitches in ALttP including basic wall clipping, DMA, DMD, Cane of Somaria glitches and more: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPsUbwi58oG_hjrgq1wpYmM3JMEn9b8R8

Hopefully this helps out. :D

ChristosOwen इसे पसंद करता है
Oregon, USAgreenham8 years ago

Hey Cook -- ZSNES and SNES9x 1.43 and below are banned, so anything not those will work: including, but not limited to bsnes/higan, snes9x 1.51 or 1.53, and snesgt.

Remgine, MikeKatz45, और Im_The_Cook इसे पसंद करें
greenham के बारे में
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