धागा: Kirby's Dream Land
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy6 years ago

I think with VBA we should take a similar approach to what the mega man leaderboards did. Moving forward reject all runs on VBA for this game, but instead of deleting the old runs, just retro-actively going and converting the times to be correct and make a mod note on that run. I think this would reduce some push back even though I THINK all sub12 runs are done on correct emus.

I agree and want to help anyway I can with this. I know a while back (month or so ago) I went through and converted times to what they should or would be pending platform ran on: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13dyKDQbsXdxk5MTHP16HGF8Tctn-IEKYZn9hnQyD5pk/edit

I believe the 3dsvc and Kirby Dream Collection still needs further research but I have a time convert up there as a baseline conversion.

TheGreatToddman, Realer और 4 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Kirby
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy6 years ago

I'm eBloodyCandy (aka: ebc or bloody)

Been speedrunning for.... 3 years? Started with Kirby's Dream Land (still run it here and there) and branched off to other runs/games from there. GDQ 2013 is what really pulled me into the speedrunning community and I been watching and following since. SGDQ 2016 I got the honor and pleasure to race against 2 of my good friends on the big stage with KDL Normal Mode and SGDQ 2018 I'll get to showcase the category that I spent a lot of brain power and effort, KDL Extra Mode.

My first kirby game was Dream Course back when it was released, favorite games to speedrun are platformers, favorite colour is green or purple (changes per week it seems). I'm not sure active in Kirby Discord, but feel free to @ me if you need help with KDL!

धागा: Kirby's Dream Land
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy6 years ago

I'm not a huge fan of this. Like what Trushade said, for those that run on console this makes it very hard since we can't level select and can't load save states.

It doesn't seem all that beneficial either?

Jumpyluff, Legs, और TrUShade इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Kirby's Dream Land
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy6 years ago

If you use an emulator, you will want to use BGB, GamBatte, or BizHawk. VBA of all version is banned since it runs the game faster than it should.

धागा: Kirby's Dream Land
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy6 years ago


If you're talking about Normal Mode Kracko fights. There is nothing that we know of that can make this fight predictable. The entire Kracko fight in this mode is all about luck and execution.

If you're talking Extra Mode Kracko, again there is no manipulation to its randomness however the attacks are faster. Each attack Kracko does in Extra Mode is about 2 seconds long which means that is added time when it drops the 3 bombs. You can do what I call the 'Kracko Double Hit' where you TAS Spit a bomb on kracko dive and when kracko starts it's 2nd bombing sequence you can instant spit the first bomb and quickly grab the 2nd bomb for a 2 hit in 1 cycle. I'm looking into a more consistent start for a Triple Hit.


Out side of this, there are no known manipulations for the kracko fight. It's all luck based at the moment. Many will say they found a manipulation, but everyone that has said that has been debunked rather quickly.

Standing in the corner to make kracko float to you is actually slower, krackos swoop is about .5 - 1 second faster than the top screen fly.

धागा: Kirby's Dream Land
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy6 years ago

piggy backing off Jumpy and Mugg, The categories for KDL are very well established and make the most sense to this game. Adding weird/random misc categories wouldn't add any benefit to this leaderboard.

With that said you can certainly make up a category on your own right and do runs of it on your own. I've done that a lot with Kirby's Dream Land. I've done the following that are not on the leaderboard:

  • Dark Souls: Beat the game on Extra Mode with 1 hit point and no extra lives
  • Pacifist: Beat the game without killing enemies (except mini boss and bosses)
  • Bongos: Beat the game only using the DK Bongos on GameCube (super fun, recommend trying)
  • DDR: Beat the game only using a Gamecube DDR mat
  • One-Handed: beat the game 1-handed (this is hard and hurts your hand.. dont recommend)
धागा: Kirby's Dream Land
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy6 years ago

It's so laggy o.O

What emulator are you using for this? Holy smokes that frame rate is bad. It shouldn't be getting that bad until Float Islands.

BUT- good starting ground :) I would say get through the game consistently as your first goal. do like.. how fast can I beat this game with no strats at all. then once you get consistent do like.. complete x runs without dying, then complete x runs doing y goal,so forth and so forth. This allows for stepping stones to learning this game and reduces the amount of discouragement when trying to go for a good time :)

We all started at the same point you're at right now, remember that when you're looking at those top times. Keep it up!

Retrobot और speedman इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Kirby: Star Allies
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy6 years ago

demo%.. OMEGALUL

please don't poison this leaderboard with that.....

blueYOSHI इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy6 years ago

Fairchild Channel F - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairchild_Channel_F

Drag Strip was recently added.

धागा: Kirby's Dream Land
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy8 years ago

My Extra Mode run has me despawning an enemy in Stage 4, room before Kracko Jr.

I totally forgot about the the pressing down as you land to not create that little star! That's interesting about Stage 3 though. I need to rewatch your run, I've watched your TAS about 20 times haha.

धागा: Kirby's Dream Land
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy8 years ago

¤thread name should be the next game in the series...¤

All of you that run this game or have even played it casually notice a tremendous amount of lag.. especially on Float Islands or if you're doing All Items for some reason, Castle Lololo. This game is like many Game Boy games where performance suffers when there are a lot of sprites on the screen (sprite overload). Basic gamer instincts wants us to kill all the Waddle Dees and Poppy Bro Jrs, but think before killing your next Kirby Victim...

When you destroy an enemy you create up to 4-6 EXTRA sprites on the screen. If you're in a laggy section of the game or on a screen with a number of enemies killing one is going to cause a significant amount of lag. One of the great things with Dream Land is that you can swallow nearly instantly upon inhaling an enemy. With that said there are times where you will need to make an exception and exhale to progress faster.

Holding Up on the DPad vs Holding A to hover with Kirby. Surprising enough there is a difference, but it very faint. Holding Up on the DPad actually causes additional lag in the game (who knows why), but the lag that is gained is extremely minimal and will probably at most (this has not been tested) save ~1 second. This information is courtesy of Mugg1991

Despawning enemies is a thing in this game, but there is no true answer as to how to do it with the exception of 1 in Bubbly Clouds (founded by eBloodyCandy). Despawning enemies can obviously be your friend because of the reduced sprites on the screen which equals less lag and 1 less obstacle in the way. I have seen first hand and through various other runs enemies despawning in Green Greens, Float Islands, Bubbly Clouds, and Mt. Dedede. I don't think we're aware of consistent ways of despawning with the exception of despawning a enemy in the room before Kracko Jr. on Extra Mode. The set up is very simple and saves you about 2 -3 seconds in the long run because of jump timings and lag. When entering the room before Kracko Jr. inhale the Waddle Dee, jump to the next platform and exhale left while up against the wall. This will kill an enemy and while exhaling hold up on the dpad to start your hover. Only go as high as the next floor and exhale your wind to kil the next enemy. Progress through that floor until you get to the 3rd tier. There you will 1 less enemy in the way in the bottom corner for your first jump.

Saving some frames in Mt. Dedede with cutting the sound after each boss battle is a thing and it's one of the easiest things you can do to save a few frames. After every boss kill you will hear an explosion and some blowing up animations. Fun to watch, but takes away from going fast! After landing the final hit on a boss refight go into a hover state and start hovering by hold A or holding up. This will cancel the explosion sound effect and cut the explosion animation time down, allowing you to get to the next boss faster.

I'm sure there are things that I missed in this write up, if any of you know more or wish to elaborate please do!!

धागा: Kirby's Dream Land
Minnesota, USAebloodycandy8 years ago

Literally 0 Difference between the 2. The title screen is the only thing different, the stage levels are all in English on JP... for some reason...

Minnesota, USAebloodycandy8 years ago

I won't be able to race this time around. I did it last year and I recommend doing it. It's a lot of fun =)

Minnesota, USAebloodycandy8 years ago

Star Stacker is the greatest game ever...

I'm really really really hoping this doesn't happen over the weekend of the 15th since I'll be out of state for business. ¤crosses fingers for 22nd or 29th¤ haha

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