धागा: Resident Evil
United Statesdeserteagle41712 days ago

In all honesty, many games in the Resident Evil series really separate platforms too much as is, especially the older titles. That being said, the PSN category is defined as the category for playing the version of the game you get from PSN. The loading time issue is on you to get the one that loads the fastest. If we start separating things based on load times, we'd already have to separate PS1, PS2, PS3 for physical disc as they all load at different speeds (which is not going to happen because it's literally the same disc that you chose to put into different hardware), not to mention that PS2 has the option for Fast Disc Speed. Taking that even further, as Rac said, within a single console, the different models load at different rates (idk about PS1, but this is definitely true for PS2 and PS3).

Historically, PSN used to be split across two different categories, PlayStation and EMU, neither of which it could be competitive in because the PSP was competing with EMU and the PS3 and PS4 were competing with PS2. I made the decision to create the PSN category mostly because the PSP should not have been competing with EMU and I brought all the other PSN versions together into this category because, well, they're all the PSN version and this is the most fair environment they've ever been in. In all honesty, the PlayStation category should just include all of these versions (physical disc and PSN digital versions) as they're all just the console version. There's no plan to do this at present, but looking at the times on the boards, a really good case for doing exactly that could be made. Perhaps it will in the future, but the PSN category is barely over a year old, so I'd rather wait to see if it significantly pulls away from PS2 or not.

There's no reason to subdivide this game even more than it already is. As Rac points out, adding a new console subdivision creates 32 new boards for each one. Each further subdivision also cheapens the notion of a "world record" in the category to the point that it's near meaningless. If we were to divide it even more, thereby creating probably 100+ new boards with zero runs in most of them, someone plopping down a whatever time in all of the empty categories is doing it for "I have 50 RE1 GoldTrophy.png's, look at me, I'm so cool!" purposes, not because of any desire to seriously compete for a good time.

End of the day, if you really want the top time in a given category, you get the hardware to do it; otherwise we're going to start seeing obnoxious statements like "I have the world record in the PS3, CECH-4011B, Digital PSN, Arrange, Jill, NMG, No Restriction category". For the PlayStation category, this means you get a JP SCPH-90000 model, a good condition copy of Biohazard Director's Cut, and run on fast disc speed. For PSN, this means you get a PSTV (or possibly a PSP, it remains to be seen which is faster) with a JP PSN account and get the JP version of Biohazard Director's Cut. If the JP version ever makes it to PS5, I reckon that one might end up the fastest, but who knows if that'll ever happen. Yes, the PSTV and PSP are old hardware, but this is an old game, so that should be expected. Accessibility issues to older hardware are what the EMU category is there for (of which, there are two, by the way!). If you want to compare just with other runs on your favorite piece of hardware, the filters are there for exactly that reason.

SenhorX और Raclesis इसे पसंद करें
समाचार: Resident Evil: Survivor
United Statesdeserteagle4173 months ago

Life got really busy over the couple months since I posted this, but I have a week off of work coming at the end of March, so I'll leave this up until then (say, the 25th of March), and make any necessary changes based off of the results then!

AlekStation97 इसे पसंद करता है
समाचार: Resident Evil: Survivor
United Statesdeserteagle4178 months ago

Option 1

AlekStation97 इसे पसंद करता है
समाचार: Resident Evil
United Statesdeserteagle41710 months ago

It's no worry, we just had to decide what to do about it in a way that makes sense. If it weren't you with the submission it probably would've been someone else with the submission eventually :)

If anything, it's good you did it so we found out about the discrepancy!

धागा: Resident Evil
United Statesdeserteagle41711 months ago

Okay, this issue should be fixed now!

SenhorX इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Resident Evil
United Statesdeserteagle41711 months ago

The best one would be a JP PS2 slim SCPH-90000. I'm not sure about MechaPwn. Most (if not all) of our regularly active console runners have an actual JP PS2.

RetroBrando इसे पसंद करता है
United Statesdeserteagle41711 months ago

Yea, it's really nice for a lot of small things like that.

United Statesdeserteagle41711 months ago

It's a livesplit add on that allows you to display any of the variables or addresses named in the ASL file on the actual splits display. I hate having extra shit up when I'm running, so I use this instead of an SRT (I also cannot stand the look of the usual SRT program everyone uses, it's so bulky, overbearing, and ugly)


0_yami_0 इसे पसंद करता है
United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

Don't use "Rev_2_IGT_Script (1).asl", by the way. This is one I made way back which doesn't autosplit (you have to manually split) and only tracks IGT, not load removed like we use on the leaderboard. You definitely wanna use the one built into LiveSplit and make sure you do not have any ASL file in your layout.

All you should have to do is make sure you have clicked this "Activate" button https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1114685279882711090/1114685359788413070/image.png

Click "Settings" here https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1114685279882711090/1114685804489486367/image.png

Then check the appropriate option for you here https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1114685279882711090/1114685436514803712/image.png

And make sure, in particular, your Layout Editor has no "Scriptable Auto Splitter" item in it. If it does, remove it. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1114685279882711090/1114686105221083307/image.png

The most frequent way autosplitters don't work for people is because they're running both the built in one and one through their layout, which causes conflicts and other buggy behavior, if it even functions at all. If it's not working after doing all this, it could be you have a version which is incompatible with the ASL, as Soulless said earlier. If that's the case and it's the actual Steam version of the game, we should be able to get the script updated to support it. However, if it's a cracked/pirated version (no judgement here if it is), we won't be able to.

Zygalovd_YT और Soulless_Persona इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Resident Evil
United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

I'll check these out when I can!

SenhorX इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Resident Evil
United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

Hey @SenhorX. Thanks to SRC's shit notification system, I never got one for this and just saw it now! Did you ever get it to work? I know it worked for me and a few other people that tested it. If it's still not working, can you DM me on Discord so I can actually see your messages because SRC sucks lol

United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

As far as I know, no one has tried that. If you wanna make a recording of a run with it and post it here, we'll give it a look and discuss adding it. This doesn't seem all that different than using an R4 card on an actual DS, so unless something screwy goes on with this, I don't see any problems with accepting it.

United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

So, there is a skip option in the DLC that allows you to skip through all of the trials, which is most of the game content, so that will be banned for runs because it just makes the DLC pointless.

United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

I plan to add an "All Spirits" category at some point, I think, where we have to acquire all spirits. In addition to the story related ones, we'd also get Yun'er, Shanzhu, and Xiaoqui (who requires winning all 15 card games and completing all 7 leaf jumping challenges).

Possibly an "All Sidequests" category as well?

United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

Ideas for a new category? Post them here for discussion and consideration!

United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

Also, the DLC will be available on console at a later date. It's PC only right now.

United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

So, I don't think doing Main Game + DLC will make sense as its own category since it launches separately from the main game (for some reason), and it's quite different from main game. DLC will still be added as its own category though.

United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

Recently DLC was announced! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2223240/Sword_and_Fairy_7__Dreamlike_World_Expansion/

The DLC will be added to the board a few days after release so categories and rules can be sorted out for it. If it makes sense, possibly making a "full game" category in which you complete the DLC right after main game since it's supposed to pick up where the main story left off.

United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

I'm pushing an update today. This is going to be invisible to many people, but currently the autosplitter will not split when leaving the Power Station if you electrocute the zombies and so leave out the other way. I've fixed that now. It will split when you completely leave the power station back into the alley (so it will skip the first door on the way out).

Hamo इसे पसंद करता है
United Statesdeserteagle4171 year ago

Moderators are not board dictators. Moderators will sometimes need to make decisions people don't like, but moderating isn't about YOU. This is just a selfish, elitist choice. "We don't like seeing this on the board." This is the take from someone who shouldn't be a moderator. As someone who has been moderating RE games for 4 years now, this is what moderating is like sometimes. You're right in that people have no respect for mods. People submit every PB, it sucks when you have 5 runs in the queue from one person in the span of a day or two, but you can handle this by looking at the fastest run, then just fly through the slower runs since they're obsolete anyway. This choice is a regression and disgrace on the RE community, and a slap in the face to those of us who have tried to make it a welcoming place to everyone. I thought we were past the days of RE mods power tripping, but I guess not.

vardemir, LeviTheRelentless, और TransparentBlue इसे पसंद करें
deserteagle417 के बारे में
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