धागा: Gloomhaven
Ontario, CanadaYhabby1 year ago

The JotL categories are up. For the solo scenarios, would it make more sense to have all the characters ready to go with cards and items, and then timing starts with the first scenario and ends with the last?

धागा: Gloomhaven
Ontario, CanadaYhabby1 year ago

I can do that! For the JotL category, I think that the added restriction of only using the JotL classes would be appropriate, what do you think?

Ontario, CanadaYhabby2 years ago

Alright, I've changed "Top Pirate" to "Pirate Hunter" and edited the rules. If you've already recorded a run, feel free to submit it!

Sir_Yupp इसे पसंद करता है
Ontario, CanadaYhabby2 years ago

Seems like the Top Pirate rules should be changed, which I'm happy to do, but I'd like to come to a consensus on the exact rules so the most amount of people are happy. If I'm remembering correctly, the only statistic that changes your top pirate rank is gold plundered, so you could rush to fight Montalban, earn a quick 100,000 gold, and then take out Henry Morgan to secure the #1 spot. Would everyone rather have the rules be less strict and allow for that, or have it be focused on killing the other 9 notorious pirates?

धागा: Gloomhaven
Ontario, CanadaYhabby2 years ago

I've decided to change the timer stop point of most of the categories to be as soon as the "victory" text starts to appear. I think it's more intuitive to stop the timer there, and it saves you from having to sit through the final loading screen and cutscene. If you disagree with this change or have any thoughts, let me know.

धागा: Gloomhaven
Ontario, CanadaYhabby2 years ago

Yes, just the end time was off, but I'd be happy to change the run start and end time rules if the community wants it changed.

As far as splits go, nothing official is required at this point, and you could just use a timer if you wanted to. I'll do my best to re-time runs if the final split is too early/late.

धागा: Gloomhaven
Ontario, CanadaYhabby2 years ago

Added, I've also approved your run (with a re-time)

धागा: Gloomhaven
Ontario, CanadaYhabby2 years ago

Please post any feedback related to the categories here!

धागा: Gloomhaven
Ontario, CanadaYhabby2 years ago

Please post any feedback related to the speedrun rules (general rules and category-specific) here!

Ontario, CanadaYhabby3 years ago

Okay, I've changed the rules for both those categories and corrected the times for every run. I based the new time off of the first frame in the video where the cutscene was shown. Let me know if I got any of the times wrong and I can take another look.

I've also cleaned up and clarified the rules for all other categories. Any rules that apply for every category are in "Game Rules".

Zelassin और MrMonsh इसे पसंद करें
Ontario, CanadaYhabby3 years ago

Hello everyone! I am proposing a rule change related to when the timer is stopped for any% and Beautiful Wife runs.

With most other games, the timer is stopped on the frame that you have completed the run, but with these two categories, it is stopped after watching a cutscene which does not require any user input to complete. If the cutscene is skipped, then extra time would have to be added artificially.

I am proposing that the timer be stopped as soon as the final cutscene starts. The times of all existing runs in these categories would be updated (about 17 seconds faster for any% and about 25 seconds faster for Beautiful Wife). This will also solve the issue of accidentally skipping the cutscene.

Let me know what you think, or if you have any suggestions for rule changes or clarification.

MrMonsh इसे पसंद करता है
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