धागा: PlateUp!
Oregon, USAXandoToaster8 months ago

It's a super common mistake. I appreciate you fixing it so fast. <3

धागा: PlateUp!
Oregon, USAXandoToaster8 months ago

It looks like this game is available on PS4 and PS5, not PS1. It's a minor issue, but when you browse the most active PS1 games on SRC, this is currently at the top of the list, which is obviously not correct.

धागा: N+
Oregon, USAXandoToaster8 months ago

Sorry about that. I just added Series S and Series X as platforms.

धागा: Kingsley's Adventure
Oregon, USAXandoToaster10 months ago


I mostly just wanted a place to post findings for me and a friend who is also interested in running this game, but I will gladly give elsiz or Rad ownership of the server if they join the server and want it.

धागा: Scrabble (PS)
Oregon, USAXandoToaster1 year ago

Sorry, I think SRC glitched and never gave me a notification about this thread. Unfortunately this leaderboard is exclusively for the playstation version of scrabble. If there's an online version of scrabble that you want to speedrun, you could petition to make a speedrun.com page for that, but it would be distinct from this page.

धागा: Spyro the Dragon
Oregon, USAXandoToaster2 years ago

In addition to the SRC page Yui linked, we also already have a spreadsheet of categories people have run but aren't on that page https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vD1RRWtY64OyhrZCART0OvCgOICwz0p37hIzEAjy6k4/edit?usp=sharing

I originally made this sheet with the intent for anybody to add anything they've run, just to help us keep a record of what has interested people, and how runners have approached various problems. Feel free to add your categories to this sheet!

And welcome to the community! I hope you can get some inspiration from some of the other wacky things we've run.

KeepYourHornsOn, LuminescentSky और 4 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Oregon, USAXandoToaster2 years ago

I think I basically agree with Muzgrob. If we find moderation to be an issue, or if we get to a point where one channel in another discord isn't enough, we can reconsider our options in the future. But for now, having a channel in an existing space I think would be best.

धागा: Stuart Little 2
Oregon, USAXandoToaster3 years ago

Obviously it's faster to get everything as you're going through the game, but IF you fight the falcon and go back to 100% previous levels, you get the credits again after 100%ing the last level. My question is, should 100% timing follow spyro 2 rules? End timing on last hit on the boss OR on collecting the final collectible, whichever comes last.

धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster3 years ago

I have what I think is a bug in the way co-op runs obsolete each other. You can see it on the N++ Co-op Intro leaderboard https://www.speedrun.com/nplusplus/full_game#CO-OP_INTRO

Co-op runs of this game can have one or two players, and we currently have the Player Obsoletion Mode set to "Match all, any order." If you're showing obsolete runs, you'll notice that Kostucha has a run he did alone, obsoleted by a run he did with Fnyt. We would really like to show this run, but we don't want to change obsoletion mode to "Match all, exact order." I would expect "Match all, any order" to recognize that Kostucha alone is a different team than Kostucha + Fnyt.

Bloodom और Muzgrob इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster3 years ago

This has been a bug for months. Every once in a while a run just doesn't actually submit. I made a post about it in the site bugs thread a while ago.

धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster3 years ago

[quote]Are you hearing yourself right now?[/quote] [quote]I honestly feel like you're just arguing in bad faith here.[/quote] This is not the kind of behavior I would expect from a mod. Even if goadiroth is saying things you disagree with (and I agree that they're wrong about speedrunning being pvp), they also made a lot of other points that you've chosen to ignore by claiming that they're just arguing in bad faith. We all want what's best for the site, but I feel like some of the mods don't believe that based on how they talk to people on these forums.

[quote]I really don't know what people are expecting from us whenever something like this comes up.[/quote] [quote]We do pay attention to this stuff and try to improve our rules and rejection reasons when possible (in fact we're having an internal discussion about this right now)[/quote] This is what we want, but this is the first time I'm hearing that the mods are discussing this! Threads like this aren't happening because people are demanding the rules should change regarding what is and is not accepted (or at least most people aren't arguing for that, even if a lot of people want that). Threads like this are happening because of how little transparency there is in the rejection process and in the evolution of site policies. Threads like this get big because people feel like they're not even being heard. If the first post from a mod in this thread had included that comment that the mods are paying attention and are discussing how to improve rules and communication, I think this thread would have ended very quickly.

Winter_Doggo, gravefruit और 7 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster3 years ago

This is not a one-off mistake. A lot of people have submitted Among Us thinking that it would be accepted for the same reason Solid said. If so many people are not understanding this, then it is a problem with how the rules are stated. Even if the rules seem clear to you, they aren't clear to everyone. Something in the rules should be rephrased to make this clearer.

cordeyr और 6oliath इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster3 years ago

For the people complaining about how often this keeps coming up, try to remember that most people do not look at the site forums at all, and that there isn't even a way to search the forums, so it's hardly a surprise that people keep submitting a popular new game and are surprised when it gets rejected. There's no reason to be mean when you see a new person post about it.

MrMonsh, WhenGryphonsFly और 5 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster4 years ago

I'll preface this by saying that the person calling for your ban is bein ridiculous, and a ban would be an absurd response.

That said, whenever I mod a game that has more than a couple of runners, I always try to get a second mod, and I never validate my own runs once I have a second mod. I don't think it matters a lot if someone is verifying their own runs, I just like to avoid it to prevent exactly this kind of situation from happening.

I also want to say that I think the fact that you were the one who requested the game is kind of irrelevant here. Anyone who is a mod (and especially a super mod) should be someone who cares about the game and the leaderboard, and the fact that you happen to be the first one who cared enough to get it started doesn't really make you different from other super mods, at least in my opinion.

Anyway, I just wanted to offer my perspective on being a mod. I totally agree you're in the right here and that person was overreacting. Even if you did make a mistake in a run and verify something that shouldn't have been, seems like it has little to do with the fact that it was your own run, and that it could have happened to any run.

Osmosis_Jones, XeroGoFast और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster4 years ago

@AlexisDR I am all about meme categories, but the other mod and I agree that if we do come up with anything else, we'd rather it be on the main page as a miscellaneous category.

धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster4 years ago

I'm not sure if there's a better place to request this. I don't see any stickied thread for something like this.

There's a category extensions page for the ps1 version of scrabble. https://www.speedrun.com/scrabble__category_extension

This page was originally made for the sake of one leaderboard, a leaderboard which has recently been moved to the main page for the game. This extensions page never really should have existed to begin with, and it is currently serving no purpose. It's not like the page is hurting anything by existing, but both myself and the other ps1 scrabble mod have no intention of using it again.

धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster4 years ago

Some of my submitted runs don't actually seem to go through. I hit the submit button, everything seems normal, but the mods don't see it and it doesn't end up in my pending runs list. This has happened to me multiple times in the last couple of months.

धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster4 years ago

@Daravae Well, I definitely DID submit a run, but I guess the site didn't take it. This is the second time in about a month I submitted a run and later found out it didn't actually go through. But site bugs are for a different thread...

Anyway, I just submitted that run again, and I checked my pending runs list and have confirmed that it went through this time. For context, one more time, I am requesting to be super mod of the ps1 scrabble page: https://www.speedrun.com/scrabble_ps

धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster4 years ago

I've been seeing a lot of threads like this lately, and I've been curious. What is a good reason for a series to have a mod? It seems like site mods are generally against it. Maybe I just don't understand why series mods exist if the site is so opposed to giving people that role?

धागा: The Site
Oregon, USAXandoToaster4 years ago

I'm fine with not being mod of the Scrabble series, but can I at least be mod on the ps1 scrabble page? That game does not have a mod, and there are categories I'd like to add to make it more interesting. That was really what started this inquiry for me. https://www.speedrun.com/scrabble_ps

To reiterate, I am supermod of the ps1 scrabble category extensions page, which has one category, and every runner I've talked to of that category agrees that there's no reason for it to be a category extension. https://www.speedrun.com/scrabble__category_extension

As a category extension page we get virtually no visibility. When people watch us stream, they often don't know how to find the leaderboard we compete on. Our category involves beating a main mode of the game. We don't use any weird rules. It's not a meme run that we do to be silly. It also just feels weird to me that the most popular run in the scrabble series (at least in terms of number of people on the board) is a category extension that people only really find out about through word of mouth.

In addition, I'd like to add another category to the main ps1 scrabble page. Several players and myself have talked many times about wanting to run a category that involves beating the AI while actually playing a game of scrabble. Currently, the only category on the main page is done optimally by exchanging tiles or passing every turn, hoping the AI will also pass every turn, and then the game will just end after several because it sees that no one is playing anything. This results in scrabble speedruns that end in no tiles being played at all, which is kind of a funny concept, but nobody seems interested in running. We've already worked out rules for a new category. I've already done a run against the novice AI with those rules. But I can't submit it anywhere because the ps1 scrabble page doesn't have any mods right now, and I'd rather not just make it another category extension.

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