धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk1 year ago

Yes, j'allais le proposer. @Polo10, vous pouvez m'envoyer un message et on s'arrangera

Polo10 इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk1 year ago

GG super run!! :D

धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk2 years ago

One thing for sure is that Ghost recordings will no longer be accepted as discussed a long time ago ( https://www.speedrun.com/stk/thread/39mav/5#17pbc ), videos will have to be recorded directly while playing, though Ghosts could still be accepted in the cases that do not require proof (for example IL 10% longer than Top Run). -Even if I'm not sure to understand your problem with ghost replay, live recordings should not be a problem since 2.0 will get a performance improvement thanks to vulkan. I don't know if some fundamental game physics/mechanics (speed, accelerations, kart parameters,...) will be changed in 2.0 like for 0.9.3 -> 1.0. -Not sure yet, as I told to Alayan it works fine for now. Thing is, if only a few tracks change a lot and the mechanics remain the same, it would be weird to have a whole new 2.x category where many ILs are basically the same between 1.x and 2.x, with runs that should obsolete each other. -Probably most of the tracks will be remade/updated. A 2.x category will be needed probably. There are plans of making a new Story Mode so there will certainly be a new 2.x for Full Runs. -Yes. I suppose that the unintended shortcuts like the Volcan Island ones or the Gran Paradiso Island Big Jump will be fixed as well... -Volcan Island is already fixed in its remake (at least you can't get the lap count). Gran Paradisio not yet. I don't know if it should be. The camera bug should be the shortcut itself not sure.

TheZilag और Fouks इसे पसंद करें
धागा: SuperTuxKart Add-Ons
Limousin, FranceWax-stk3 years ago

Wait it's already fixed?!

धागा: SuperTuxKart Add-Ons
Limousin, FranceWax-stk3 years ago

Reverse will be working, though the fix will create a small bug for AI at novice difficulty. Just said it isn't so important.

धागा: SuperTuxKart Add-Ons
Limousin, FranceWax-stk3 years ago

"Most of the issues shown in the video are related, with Thunderbird putting you at weird places. If it is fixed that would already be good for me, there are always ways to do weird things like your 4:52 bug in most tracks I think." I agree "But if you want to wait for the track to become more polished it is fine for me to wait, though it does not have to be perfect (otherwise we might wait for Stk 2 Lol). Just let me know when you feel that the track does not need more updates." I think we should just wait for the fix, Typhon already polished a lot the track. @Haenschen ? "I don't really mind if Basket Balls are broken here" Same "I would like that Reverse is at least doable" noone cares "Adding Egg Hunt would also be a welcome addition so we don't have a subcategory for nothing." Depends of Typhon's mood :P

धागा: SuperTuxKart Add-Ons
Limousin, FranceWax-stk3 years ago

Yeah, I listed some bugs there on volcano remake For now it probably makes the track broken, let's wait for a fix. I don't think it's a problem if reverse is disabled, not played much anyway. "Upon wax request, Typhon redesigned the section near the summit to be more difficult. In my opinion, the broken/uneven road right before the 3 bananas is now too challenging. I drive there really fast (zipper pad, red skid and nitro) so that any bump causes my kart to fly into the bananas or even off the road. I think the road should smoother (at least a section in the middle) so that this part of the track is less random." Wait your favourite tracks are enterprises and xr, and you complain about that?? Jk, I agree the road should be smoother because it looks buggy, though it's possible to do this part at high speed without slowdown if I remember well.

धागा: SuperTuxKart Add-Ons
Limousin, FranceWax-stk3 years ago

Not sure you finally added volcano remake, Typhon fixed all the issues I think. I suggest to add mesa party as well.

धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk3 years ago

Hi, Indeed this skip is possible only at high speed, so an heavy kart and the supertux speed is required (otherwise you need a zipper). It is definitely not fixed in 1.2. Keep in mind, this skip is very difficult and requires to be very precise (you'll need hundreds of attempts). The zipper version (look at my run or at Theo's 1:46 one) is easier.

(Btw if you want another recording of this skip : )

धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk3 years ago

Lol you're not sweet :D. "Here, the correction would need to replay the run Frame by Frame" Sowhat you're moderator, just require a ghost replay file or a high-framerate video for these cases. "runs when you collide with random walls" Wait that's really different and I don't see any "random" wall in that track... And if it exists I don't think developers plan to fix that for now. "Probably other runners also thrown away several runs because of this... You will do another Sub 1:39 or even 1:38.5 another day or when this will be fixed..." Well it might be the case especially on Hacienda, but Ravenbridge Mansion is a difficult track that requires more attempts than several others. And I'm not sure of when I'll be able to run that track again.

And don't forget that 1.3 runners might get an advantage of this.

(Then I don't insist more lol.)

धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk3 years ago

About the finish line bug, https://github.com/supertuxkart/stk-code/issues/4144 I think if you modify the time on some tracks because of checkline bug, you should also modify the time for this other bug. (Lol I'm pretty sure my ravenbridge mansion record is sub-1:39 but I can't do better for now and for a long time.) Also, this issue will probably be fixed in git/1.3 [Alayan-stk-2 added this to the 1.3 milestone 2 days ago.]

धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk3 years ago

Hmm if I understand well I really had no luck lol, the only solution possible was to destroy both nolok and pidgin I guess?

धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk3 years ago

Lol if someone can check how I finished 2nd :P Really no reason... But ok if you reject it.

Andet इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk3 years ago

For a reason that I don't know (explanations are welcome :P ) I finished 2nd of the Penguin Playground GP. Are you going to accept the run? And also why Alistair didn't wait that the second AI of the GP become last before give up? (In cornfield crossing and abysses)


Andet इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk4 years ago

Btw fun video ;D

धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk4 years ago

Yeah ok...

धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk4 years ago

Well well well, toujours à forcer toi ;D.. Lol you can simply add a rule like that : if an edit makes the moderation difficult, we'll reject it...

Also why a rule here? The one who wants to make a run with pidgin edit for example has just to ask on these forums if it's allowed or not... So accept or reject case-by-case... no?

Also if this edit is accepted in the main game will you forbid 1.2 ? Lol

धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk4 years ago

Oh lol sorry, indeed I need to relax :p . However not sure to understand why you reject this idea... And that's not cheating... Also I completely agree on the cheating issues (that's rare lol).

FabianF इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: SuperTuxKart
Limousin, FranceWax-stk4 years ago

Not sure you get what I mean, moderators MUST trust players, because there are many ways to cheat. I'll not say them here but it's probably possible to cheat a whole speedrun so moderators have just to pray... Because they can't find these cheats...

FabianF इसे पसंद करता है
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