धागा: Dungeon Siege
GermanyTheLaughingMax2 years ago

glad to see some new runs here. will watch it! lord balder has made a segmented run which was 38m so under an hour for a non segmented run should be possible. hope to see more runs :-)

धागा: The Settlers III
GermanyTheLaughingMax2 years ago

hey, for IL runs it is the same as you are not allowed to save and load. for full games runs the real time is used and ingame time is the time of each level added up as a indication of how good a run could have been without loads.

धागा: The Settlers III
GermanyTheLaughingMax2 years ago

it worked for me. thanks for the help!

Darnok_PL इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Settlers III
GermanyTheLaughingMax2 years ago

Hey, I have in back of my mind that there is a way to unlock all missions without finishing them 1 by 1 by changing some numbers in some backend data. does anybody can help me out? thanks ~Max

GermanyTheLaughingMax3 years ago

Although I only run on console I agree with Pokeytoes points. If a game supports different screen ratios it should be allowed as it is part of the game.

I'd rather see it as another way to play the game more efficient so one could get better times with it.

धागा: Dungeon Siege
GermanyTheLaughingMax3 years ago


I am not running this game but I can tell you what I like and dislike about the ruling. I would generally allow everything the game has to offer. With this I mean the 1.2 game speed in particular. I would prefer to have 2 categories: singleplayer and multiplayer (multiplayer not meaning to have multiple runners but using the multiplayer lobby). In multiplayer I would also allow to quit the game and start the map again on another starting point. That's at least my opinion on that matter.

And yes segemented runs are fun to watch but should not be part of the leaderboard.

Hope to see a non-segmented run from you (balder) at some point (and maybe even a run on the uträa map :D). I really liked your segemented runs.

धागा: Dungeon Siege
GermanyTheLaughingMax3 years ago

hey balder,

normally I don't liek segmented runs but as this game has far to few active runners I will gladly take any kind of new entertainment. I will watch both your runs.

Thanks for the effort :-).

धागा: The Settlers III
GermanyTheLaughingMax4 years ago

I fear that strats like building up and then skipping time to get an army with that you overrun the enemy will be a thing. Or starting a building, skip, start the next building, skip...

I feel that these strats aren't a very good "speedrun" in the sense to doing everything perfectly. I mean carefully managing your soldiers and place the buildings in the exact second your workers are free just feels way more like playing the game perfectly.

I have the same problem in another RTS where you can speed up the battles to 4x or more where it leeds to just attack clicking and hoping the best.

धागा: The Settlers III
GermanyTheLaughingMax4 years ago

if you use ingame timer for IL you cannot allow save and load. if it would be allowed you could save and load as many times as you want and the ingame timer would not reflect that as you load to that sepcific time over and over again which would defeat the purpose of a speedrun.

I think I have stated enough why I would not allow F12. if more people want the F12 to be allowed in full-game runs we could have a vote.

धागा: The Settlers III
GermanyTheLaughingMax4 years ago

the full-game runs are timed rta as save and load is allowed there. the ingame time there is just the added up mission time to see how good the run could have been.

धागा: The Settlers III
GermanyTheLaughingMax4 years ago

The reason behind not allowing F12 is that we time in ingame time. For RTA the F12 would be the fastest way of beating the game. But using the ingame timer makes it easier to get into speedrunning and is generally convinient.

For most missions you can do stuff to optimise 95% of the time anyway. If you are aiming for a good time that is.

The only categories you could consider it are the full game runs but there I am not a big fan either as it would leed to some pretty weird strategies that would be boring to play and watch.

Also the full game rusn for the first 3 campaigns take abaout 2h in theory which is nothing considering this is an rts game.

PS: I would like to see a new face on the leaderboards ;-).

धागा: Dota 2
GermanyTheLaughingMax5 years ago

okay, so the only thing missing in the ILs is the ability to choose every version there. my enchantress run on 6.84c is still listed as 7.07. thanks btw for all your effort.

धागा: Dota 2
GermanyTheLaughingMax5 years ago

I think if the runners of the old patches before your first sweep really care for their runs, they can resubmit them.

One question: will the IL "legacy" runs still be found in the IL section or will they all be moved to the full game section? I would prefer the first option.

EDIT: forget about my question. the IL runs have a different ruleset anyway...

धागा: Dota 2
GermanyTheLaughingMax5 years ago

No worries. RL always takes priority. As I said it is just my opinion. I can live with the misc category solution as well. :-)

Mekarazium इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Dota 2
GermanyTheLaughingMax5 years ago

well for most games any version is allowed. I see that dota is a special case because it gets big updates on a regualr basis but I don't know if I like the "misc category" approach. to my mind it would be best to just allow any version with all positive and negativ side effects. but that's just my opinion.

धागा: Dota 2
GermanyTheLaughingMax5 years ago

I submitted a run a week ago in which I used this method above to play version 6.84c. I showed the date of the .exe file via the console to prove that it is in fact that version. Is there anything preventing that run from being verified? If so I would like to discuss it here :-).

धागा: Dota 2
GermanyTheLaughingMax5 years ago

I found a way to play older versions. This videos describes how:

I tested version 6.84c and it works. I make a testrun once I figured out how to show what version I am using.

धागा: Dota 2
GermanyTheLaughingMax5 years ago

I found tutorials how to run older versions. but I am not sure if they still work or not. it would be a boon for the running this game to have a few patches one could run consistently. I will try it out nevertheless I think and tell you about the results :-).

ps: I hope you will not wipeout the times. I like to see all the old strats on older patches.

धागा: Dota 2
GermanyTheLaughingMax5 years ago

hey there,

as the current version of dota cuts off the best strat for the IL categories (using hod on siege creeps) I am planing to get somehow downpatch dota to play older versions. before I do so I want to ask if that would be okay from a rule standpoint. please let me know.


GermanyTheLaughingMax5 years ago

I guess you can but the console versions of the game are significantly slower compared to the pc version for various reasons. so you would have a big handicap and will never get a world record there.

I myself would like to have more comeptition in the any% console categories :-).

TheLaughingMax के बारे में
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