BulgariaPetrovBogdan3 years ago

The William boss at end of run when he becomes dog has caused me many problems. He jumps on top of cages so I cannot shoot it.

I lose lots of my time here. Is there way to stop it from jumping?

BulgariaPetrovBogdan3 years ago

I am thinking running Biohazard 3.

Which costume makes Jill run to the fastest?

BulgariaPetrovBogdan3 years ago

Thank you everyone for help so far.

I learn and be faster for help I receive from group.

Next problem for me is the spider who climbs wall in corridor before the monster who has babies come from the mouth. When I get a poison my health goes away even if I spray or use the green herb and then I die because I am dragging leg to monsters babies.

Why would game exist so a spider can kill you without heal?

BulgariaPetrovBogdan3 years ago

in supplement to my early question: when I go for fastest time, where it is best to use cord of electricity?

The down below or the higher?

Thanking for cooperation

Viixie_ इसे पसंद करता है
BulgariaPetrovBogdan3 years ago

hello I am a new runner of this game and I have many questions.

I am constantly getting better, but my times are not diminishing. I keep dying until the last boss. he takes too many shotgun rounds to kill and eats me.

maybe there is a solution to my problem?

Viixie_ और se3cret इसे पसंद करें
PetrovBogdan के बारे में
सामिल हुए
3 years ago
2 years ago
चलाए गए गेम्स
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2
अंतिम रन 3 years ago