धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty3 months ago

Are you trying to admit something to us legendary?

Zanum और Echon इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty5 months ago

@Shadowbrine1 Thanks for the help dude, I'll be sure to message him!

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty5 months ago

Like I said, the screws on the back of the controller are stripped, making that REALLY hard. I appreciate the input though, I used to get replacement controllers through Retro-Bit but it seems they've stopped selling their controllers that work for SNES :(

SuperGamer64 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty5 months ago

This a shot in the dark, but my SNES controller has been on the fritz for awhile, and the screws on the back of the controller are stripped, making replacing the rubbers on the controller almost impossible. I'm also getting issues where when I'm trying to jump my A press drops making me fall into a pit or or not being able to jump through bowsers hammers, or something or other. Is there any or reliable vendor I can go to to get a newer or refurbished controller that doesn't feel like I'm putting down a bunch of force just to get a small jump? Thanks!

SuperGamer64 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty3 years ago

I was downloading the Framerule rounding tool for livesplit, but I have no idea how to set it up, can anyone help?

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty3 years ago

Oh it's not about the crt, I was just assuming you had one. I was just wondering if the darkness was on your monitor and capture

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty3 years ago

Does it show on your crt as well or just the capture

धागा: SM64 Sapphire
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty3 years ago

the game does not work on project 64 anymore. any help?

weenie_69 इसे पसंद करता है
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty4 years ago

is the nes cart of lost levels allowed for speedrunning?

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty4 years ago

I do, when it's off I get a 60fps recording, but with it I get 30fps, set to for Retro Game, and Top field first

KilleDragon इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty4 years ago

I'm trying to do offline attempts, but it only records in 30 fps, and my preset in recording is 60fps, any help? https://prnt.sc/tei9fs < my recording settings

KilleDragon इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty4 years ago

wait roop i think i found the t on the nes controller. its right..... uh..... let me get back to you..

Shark_Eat_Fish, KilleDragon, और Sophia_Coin इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty4 years ago

4:54 right now isn't possible. Correct me if I'm wrong but last I checked the Human Theory was 4:55.08. Regardless if we could to 4:54 it would be nearly impossible because of the 4-2, 8-1, and the 8-4 needed to pull it off.

Ivory और KilleDragon इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty5 years ago

ok but is this for small only? because i do mine for fire mario

धागा: Super Mario Bros.
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty5 years ago

Hmmm... This is actually a decent find. I don't know if it will be viable enough to save another framerule consistently.

Like, 84th, और iplaymario124 इसे पसंद करें
Alabama, USANathanAlmighty5 years ago

4:57 on any%, 5:02 on allstars

KilleDragon इसे पसंद करता है
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