United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

This new ability for supporters to gift boosts to people in their communities is nice and all, but it would be even nicer if the people getting the boosts had some way of hearing about it.

Seriously, the only place the site lets you know about it if you:

  • Go into settings for your user profile
  • Scroll down to the bottom, to the section for supporters only, and click on "boosts".

Why would anyone who wasn't a supporter even go here to check?

And even then, it doesn't say which community the boost was from! I only checked this because someone said they'd given out boosts, and now I have a boost I don't know if it was them who gave it to me!

Edit: I know that there is an option in notifications for if you are the recipient of a boost. This was on by default and I never turned it off, but I don't see any notifications...

KaweedFul, discranola और 8 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

I am from England, which has its own flag as well as the UK flag. I have chosen to display the UK flag as my country flag on the site.

The problem is that the site seems very inconsistent in which flag it displays - for example I have a UK flag displayed on the leaderboard, but right below it the England flag in the "recent runs" list - both next to my name.

Wrap इसे पसंद करता है
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Retiming Individual Level runs of this game accurately is quite hard, because each level has a gradual fadeout at the end (as opposed to sudden cuts like many other games).

The rules for timing are now "timing starts when the level starts to fade in, and ends when the level starts to fade out".

This means that, if you want to time accurately, you start the timer on the first frame that the level is slightly visible - this is as you press it on the level select screen.

Similarly, timing ends on the first frame that the level begins to fade out when you have finished it.

These rules are still slightly ambiguous because different people might choose different frames to end the timing on, but it's the best option there is. If two runs are very close they can be compared side-by-side to see which one finished first.

United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

In almost any speedrun, there are many different strategies that can be used. Runners will often have to choose between spending their time practising a few harder levels or lots of easy levels, and this choice will often affect how they do in runs.

My question is: what would you think to people using computers and algorithms to help them choose what to practise? Would that be seen as fair or not?

What about using a program during to run to recommend which strats to go for on each level? (For example calculating if you can afford to go for a risky glitch or should take the slow but easy route).

MrMonsh इसे पसंद करता है
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Hi, I've noticed with the new comments that users can be added to a block list of people who can't comment on my runs.

Is it possible to edit this list and remove users from it, so that they can comment on my runs again?

YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करता है
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Looking through the leaderboards, I see that some of the leaderboards under the switch/pc category are completely empty - is this because these modes aren't applicable in that version or just because nobody has wanted to run them?

italian6th और Fern11011 इसे पसंद करें
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Hi, in Nefrum's any% guide it shows 18 red circuit assemblers feedign 12 blue sci assemblers but when I run the numbers I get that you would only need ~10 red circuit assemblers - am I missing something in the calculatios or is there deliberately way too much red circuit supply?

United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

Slightly weird question, and one that I imagine isn't asked here very often, but does anyone know of a way to create a TAS of an android / iOS game?

I know that android emulators exist but I have not yet find anything to suggest that any of them support frame advancing or input recording.

If anyone knows an emulator that does allow making TASes (or a technical reason why it is not possible) please let me know!

United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

To any moderators of small games, what has been your experience with new people discovering your game and starting to speedrun it? Has anyone ever mentioned how they discovered your game?

Merl_ इसे पसंद करता है
United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

I am thinking of applying to have a new game on the website (the mobile game Odd Bot Out). However, this game has adverts that can only be disabled by paying, so I was wondering how people normally compensate for time lost to adverts without requiring runners to pay to remove them. Would it be better to just subtract 5 seconds (the length of the advert) from the final time per advert, or tell people to retime with the timer paused during the adverts?

United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

Today I've been having issues where the site says it can't handle the request when I try to view the list of a user's individual level runs (https://www.speedrun.com/user/MrMonkey049/individual_levels)

It is only this specific page that causes problems, and it also crashes for other users too. Why does this happen?

Marc-André_Morin और Msbmteam इसे पसंद करें
United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

I'm assuming that the mods have had problems with people submitting wii runs here instead of on the original page. Are there any key things you look for to tell which version of the game was used?

(I'm aware that various icons in text boxes are different, eg joycon/procon images and right joysticks instead of wii remotes and D-pads, but are there any sprites etc that you know to look different enough to tell the games apart?)

SpeedIn इसे पसंद करता है
United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

I've made a leaderboard spreadsheet for switch individual level runs, so you can view that here:


The first page has the rules, but basically I've tried to make it as much like the Wii IL runs on here as possible so you can look there for timing rules too.

Klagarn, LunarLemon और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

Hi, i was thinking of running this game because i <3 it so much, but i dont have time to do a full run so i was going to do the galaxy RTA runs.

My question is, does it matter what order i do the stars in? Eg doing the comets before the main levels because they would be the most likely for me to reset on.

United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

So in Vallu's 28:24 they were very close to having 49 shines at the end of cycle 4, so i was wondering what would happen if you got 50 shines before the fourth bowser fight? Would the 50-shine version of the gigabell activate and let you go straight into the 5th bowser fight,(saving ages of cutscenes) or would you just have to do the 4th bowser fight and then wait 20 seconds for bowser to respawn?

United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

Recently I was doing some runs when I got a new highscore, but unfortunately I was not recording the actual run so I do not have video proof. However, I did record some runs afterwards and I realise that my best score from the runs earlier is displayed in the top left in that video.

Will this be accepted as valid proof, or do I have to have evidence of the run when I beat the highscore?

United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

I was just wondering if it might actually be faster to deliberately get singles instead of a home run every hit - that way you still get a run every hit but you do not have to show the entire running animation every time.

It would be interesting to find the fastest way to get runs, even if it is not possible to guarantee that in a run.

United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

Hi, I've noticed when watching runs that some people playing the game don't have the vines at the end of level 1 - is there a different version of the game that I should use so that I don't have vines either?

United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

Hi, I am wondering about starting to speedrun this game, but as I am new to this website I don't know the rules for video submissions.

Do I have to have a timer of some sort visible in the video so that my time can be verified, or would a phone camera pointing at my 3ds be fine?

Monkeytron के बारे में
Maths nerd and mediocre speedrunner.
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