Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

Alr well thanks everyone. Ive been trying the DOT skip for years but ill go back and give it another shot.

Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

So im trying to switch over from Emu to VC, and im running into one major issue (other than having no Capture card lol). The game is incredibly dark. I tried messing with my TV settings, changing brightness, contrast, backlight, literally everything, and nothing seems to make a difference. Is there a way to fix this?

The main issue with this is for WW, i need to line up with a specific texture for the setup, and i literally cant see it cause its completely black. So i have to just guess where im supposed to be for the setup and it usually fails. Responses would be appreciated, thanks!

धागा: Super Mario 64
Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

Whats BLJ? im guessing its the glitch that allows you to skip certain areas especially the never ending staircase

Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

Alright thanks @Valientlink, I will check out the route and everything for All Dungeons. Do you have to do the DOT skip in All Dungeons though? cause i have never been able to do the DOT skip and have always avoided doing it.

धागा: Super Mario 64
Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

Oh alright thanks @Samtastic

Samtastic इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Super Mario 64
Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

This game seems like a great speed game and one of my childhood favorites, so i would love to speedrun this game. Although, i know very little about speed strats and glitches in SM64, so what would be a good category to start with? one thats not too long, and doesnt use too many difficult tricks. I was thinking maybe 16 Star, but i have no idea. Responses would be appreciated, Thanks

Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

Thanks for the reply. im still giving it some practice. what happens very often is instead of landing in the loading zone for the boss room, i land in an unloaded room. ill try the setup you explained and watch the tutorial you mentioned and see if i can get it down. Thanks again

Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

I've always wanted to learn MM Any%, and i know most of the beginner friendly strats. One of the few things that is holding me back though is the Great Bay BK skip, in which is extremely difficult for me. I can clip through the ramp fairly consistently, but i cannot get the angle for the recoil flip to the loading zone at all; at least consistently which is what im looking for. are there any notable visual cues or anything i should be looking for? most videos i watched make it seem like its rather arbitrary... Responses would be appreciated. Thanks!


Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

For a while now ive wanted to learn All Dungeons or MST, and ive heard MST is one of the easiest to learn for beginners but All Dungeons is one of the hardest; but how? The only difference is the Trials, in all dungeons you skip the trials (Which is very easy). Are there other differences im unaware of? Responses would be appreciated, Thanks


Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

alright well thanks for the response, ill practice it again and see if i can figure it out.

Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

completely disregard what i said about xsplit, they are right its a terrible software. I switched to OBS and i am much more satisfied. But Torje said it best, its hard to say cause it depends on what your speeds are and all that stuff. and as for your layout, honestly just look at some other OOT streamers and see what they do for theirs, and hopefully that'll give you some sense of what to base yours off of. Good luck with getting everything optimal and to your liking, it usually takes some playing around with the software to really get it how you want it.

Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

So i just started learning the new GIM route for OOT any%, and im trying to actually do the GIM glitch itself (The deku basement clip setup one) and i got the actual clip itself down fairly consistently. the issue im running into, is after i clip i just fall out of bounds, regardless of what i do. the video i watched said to hold Z on the frame link gets hit by the walltula, but that didnt seem to do anything, as i tried that on various frames. does anyone know what im doing wrong..? if so please let me know, thanks


Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

@Valientlink you have a fair point. it was just something i was thinking about.

Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

Since there's already a ton of categories for OOT, all banning different tricks and glitches (such as RBA, IM, WW, etc.), i think it kind of makes sense to have a No IM category, banning GIM, RBA, BA, and any other glitches that manipulate your inventory other than what is intended by the game. The old kak route for OOT any% used no IM, and is still used a lot, but doesnt hold up very well to GIM routes. Of course it would be a pain in the ass for people to have to sort through hundreds of runs and decide which ones use IM and which ones dont, but its just a thought.

Thank you for your time, -Marthur

Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

i dont see a reason why Emu should be banned entirely @Kryptek , it already doesnt even show up on the leaderboards by default and is almost always less optimal and slower. But back to the discussion, i dont think GIM should be banned for Emu. it adds another unnecessary handicap to emu players. but of course i am biased because i currently use emulators.

Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

its probably just cause im very new to the community, but i dont really understand why tons of stuff is banned for Emu. i currently have to use emu cause i dont have a capture card and dont have really any money to buy one as of right now, and im sure plenty of other people are in the same boat as myself. so why ban even more stuff for emulators? like i said im very new to the community and speedrunning itself so maybe im just missing something.

mrenomega और Jonas इसे पसंद करें
Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

Thanks everyone for the responses, i appreciate it. ill check out this usb adapter you speak of

Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

As of right now, i speedrun OOT on an emulator using an XBox 360 controller since that is the best pc controller i have. It is terrible for percise analog stick movement and has quite a bad input delay so its actually horrible for speedrunning. I cant do a WESS consistently at all because the deadzone i have to use on the emulator extends to the very edge of where ESS position is making me have to hold the analog stick extremely precisely or it will fail and not work. I was thinking about buying a USB GC controller but im worried im gonna pay for it and itll be some horrible flimsy trash. if someone could direct me to a good controller to use with an emulator for speedrunning, that would help a lot, thanks :D

Michigan, USAMarthur8 years ago

I really want to actually start speedrunning this game without using an emulator and the PC port seems to be the best option (since i dont own a capture card to record it off of a console) but i swear the PC port of this game is a myth. I cannot find a valid download link anywhere, and even worse i cant find a copy of the PC port CD anywhere either, hell i cant even find a picture of one. Idk how illusive a game could be but if someone could shoot me a download link or something id really appreciate it...

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