दौड़: Paleo Pines
EnglandLiari2 months ago

That's so cool! Definitely got me back into running it again, I was a little out of practice though. You gonna go for any%? I haven't updated the spreadsheet on it yet buuut if you had any "why do you do this" questions then I'm open <3

दौड़: Paleo Pines
EnglandLiari2 months ago

Let's goooo good job!

Finally a reason to run again, amazing work!

MarvelVongola इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari5 months ago

The 100% rules are not fully fleshed out and right now are still theorycrafting at best since the 100% community are still discussing what would be counted as 100%. If you have suggestions to add, I'd highly recommend getting involved in the discussion in Discord!

It's definitely going to be a long run though

InAlucard इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari7 months ago

It's definitely something we're thinking about but nothing set in stone just yet

TheLostProphet इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari7 months ago

Hey! A lot of discussion about the routes and otherwise are on the Discord. I can ask if some of the runners can start posting guides on here though!

As for the guards for Zoe, we discovered that the guards won't shoot if you're not facing them BUT they can shoot you when you're climbing (which is why many spam space + jump climb up walls)

धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari7 months ago

It's unlikely we would add an all alpha catches category, as it would essentially be the exact same route as the normal All Alphas category only you would focus on catching rather than either catching or killing.

धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari7 months ago


So unrestricted means all glitches and exploits are allowed (like using guards to defeat bosses)

Exploits Allowed is a category that only applies to restricted runs and it means that minor exploits (such as trapping the boss behind a pillar to be able to attack them) are allowed but major glitches (guards to kill it) aren't.

धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari7 months ago

I believe we've seen it before, but we had no idea how to replicate it. Some people thought it was a case of using a cheat engine to pretend there's a bug, but until we figure out how to replicate it we'll never know ;-;

धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari7 months ago

ahah hey, the achievement alone is great! It's just that it doesn't count catching as beating them :( maybe one day :>

धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari7 months ago

So we've seen some fun instances of bosses being Blasted Off™️ by so many means, and making it consistent has been a pain. It's a good find though, if you manage to replicate it with some level of consistency that'd be amazing af

MasterZoran इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari7 months ago

For now it's unlikely we would, since then "All Towers" and "All Tower Bosses Caught" would essentially be the same run just one would fight and the other would catch. That being said, we're always looking to add more categories - so perhaps in the future!

धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari7 months ago

Oh hey it's my video on the top there :D I also posted it in the Discord!

Also, capturing them doesn't actually count as defeating them which is why current runners use the guards.

दौड़: Palworld
EnglandLiari8 months ago

Mod: Retimed to 4m 27s 867ms

धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari8 months ago

We made a Discord for discussing routes and sharing tips etc for potential runs!


Project_OMEG4 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari8 months ago

Okay this should work hopefully :D still setting stuff up


धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari8 months ago

Making one now :D one sec

धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari8 months ago

I'm down, no idea how to make one tho aha

धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari8 months ago

Is there a Discord for Speedrunners where we can plan stuff out btw? Or is it just here :D

धागा: Palworld
EnglandLiari8 months ago

I have a rough route for an All Towers (Glitched) speedrun in mind, just trying to map it out.

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