Chicago, IL, USAKyubey574 years ago

Thanks for letting me know, we're going to try with a new iPad but we have a DSLR setup from streaming as well we can point around so the quality will not be awful, everything should still be visible and very clear.

Chicago, IL, USAKyubey574 years ago

Hello to all, I am new to the speedrunning community and will keep this question as straightforward as possible.

My friends and I own some games that we would like to create runs for and post to this page. However, just for the current situation, we are trying to see if it is possible to capture audio and video to a PC without the need of a capture card. We were planning on using a camera to record the screen and then upload that video to a PC to later render and add a timer or some other features to it, but the quality of recording like this may not be the best and I do not know if that would invalidate a run simply because of the recording format/style. If anybody knows a solution without requiring a capture card, that would be amazing. Otherwise, we probably will be recording with a camera and, assuming my friends are serious about getting more involved, will purchase an Elgato Capture Card.

Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you all have a wonderful day! Good luck with those runs out there everybody!

Kyubey57 के बारे में
Hey all! I'm Max and I'm a content creator on Twitch and YouTube! :3
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