GermanyKingHSG7 years ago

Well i`m just a viewer but when my opinion is appreciated, i will try my best to respond to this threath if it helps.

First of all, i like to watch all the speedrunners of FM no matter where they are from, because i like to watch the game and how the runs are going and i dont care about the personality of the runner.

So my opinion is that mergy played with an modifyed ISO. The reason why i believe he cheated is because there is no prove of the 000 glitch can actually happen without a modifyed ISO and the people with the knowledge about the hardware say its unlikely to happen because of the hardware. Another reason is my personal feeling about the situation when it was happening, i feel like he was actually knowing in that moment that there was some shit happening wich can prove he is a cheater and then he was saying stupid things like "can someone oddshot this please now" with the knowledge that he can just highlight it, wich makes me thinking that he was trying to give a super surprised face whats going on without having any clue how to react for that embarassing moment (if he actually cheated). Then, people who watched his stream are actually knowing that he is not a stupid guy, so why would any smart guy upload a video as a prove wich doesnt prove anything, the video just doesnt prove the 000 glitch can happen and i guess mergy is smart enough to know that, but he still uploaded that to try to prove that. I think it is a poor try to give hope to the people who actually try to support him in this case and there is no reason to start the recording in that moment when you can capture the whole session wich would prove alot more. Well, i cant prove that he isnt the luckyest guy on planet who can get the WR back when he wants in a RNG based game wich gets runned by alot of people who does not come close to results he can do multiple times in a year by not grinding much more than other people do, but as the 000 glitch appeared once again for him, even if he is not a cheater he needs to be removed from the leaderboards because of the hardware wich caused the glitch then. Actually in my opinion there would be a way wich would prove that he is not a cheater, as it seems like there is no problem for him to replicate the glitch with his hardware, he can just play the game on stream and doing the same thing he has done in the new video while a webcam is showing his playstation and TV. When he can make the glitch happen again, on stream while a webcam is monitoring the whole setup, then it would be enough for me and i would say its a atleast a prove that atleast the hardware can cause that glitch, if someone wont accept that this is a good solution then i dont know what to do. At the moment it looks for me like mergy is actually knowing what he was uploading there just to accept that the runs need to get removed from the leaderboard because it would be a solution for all sides, the guys who want him to get removed, the guys who want to help him clearing the case while believing that he didn`t cheated and for himself, because he could do runs in the future with new hardware. But i think it should be clarifyed and mergy could clear the things either by proving that he can cause it with his setup on a original Game Disc or if he cheated just accept that he made a mistake and clarify this like a man.

Dont hate me for that parts where i gave my personal feelings, there are alot of facts wich proves that its highly unlikely that its not cheated, i just cant believe someone has magical powers because there is no prove for not having it. Only mergy could prove it by streaming the setup and getting the glitch again, for now i need to to build my opinion because of facts.

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7 years ago
7 years ago