धागा: Grand Theft Auto IV
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

A problem i can imagine is the LB limitation. It seems like you can have any amount of players. In that case we would need a seperate LB for 1, 2, 3,... players. And most of them would stay empty forever.

धागा: Grand Theft Auto
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago


@gael not all gta runs are rta. LCS and VCS for example use ingame time and not real time.

धागा: Grand Theft Auto IV
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

I should mention that the list isn't complete since it's missing the forklift which has by far the best acceleration of all vehicles. Top speed is shit though, so don't use it for races unless you want to meme the IL memes.

Also Super GT is missing, since this doc is focussing on classic% and the only way to get one is to lose 3+ min during the run. It's in the level of turismo-banshee in terms of speed.

Another good vehicle not mentioned is the futo. It has really high acceleration and maybe the best handling of all cars. Could be useful in races with a lot of turns.

South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

This isn't really about what is better. Fact is this game has a fixed width. Changing the aspect ratio to widescreen cuts off the top and bottom. This is the case on foot and in vehicles.

With a widescreen resolution your fov is lower. But if you are used to it, then there isn't a need to change that.

South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

Because it was a topic in irc yesterday

default zoom http://i.imgur.com/DxEU0pv.gif

zoomed out to the max http://i.imgur.com/5PTPPrV.gif

car http://i.imgur.com/Cz0YtBJ.gif

SpeedyFolf और Joshimuz इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Grand Theft Auto
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

Normally i would say 2, but in this case my vote is 1.

Reason is, that the the timing for the removal doesn't go well with the reasoning. As you guys are aware the marathon is coming up and ingame hundo will be there. The idea of the marathon is show off the runs to people who don't run gta and maybe get some new players into the community. Removing a LB of a run that is on the marathon works against that idea.

If about 2 months after the marathon nothing changed about the situation and nobody submitted runs, then it would be fine. But now is a bad moment to remove it.

Fatzke इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Grand Theft Auto
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

I vote A

The first collectible category was 100 packages in vc and not all packages, I want to keep the naming style we started with, because that is the way they are listed in the stat screen.


Powdinet mentioned that if there was a way for duplicated pickups categories with a number name wouldn't work well, but that issue can be solved by adjusting the rules. And if that is the main reason to rename everything to start with all, we would need to rename the 100% to all % (with a space since all isn't a %) and drop the ingame from ingame 100% because it would be the real 100%.

So if you support B, you support ingame hundo as the main 100% category.

धागा: Grand Theft Auto
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

Yesterday it was mentioned that some collectible category names are "all <collectible>" like all rampages and some start with the number like 100 hidden packages. And it was proposed to change that so all of them have the same style of naming. So here's the vote.

A. Collectible categories should start with a number

B. Collectible categories should start with all

C. Inconsistent leaderboards are fine, no need to change that

South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

Playing on 25 fps is a mess. But everything is bound to the fps and to have comparable runs we need to take out that variable. Especially since you are talking about ILs. They are timed using ingame time, which is affected by fps.

The only way to play in 30 fps and have runs on the leaderboard is to play the NTSC console versions.

But the lower the fps the faster you go in theory. So 1 fps runs could be fastest.

धागा: Grand Theft Auto IV
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

Long ago you mentioned the downgrade instruction in the resources would botch the game every single time (the everytime bit is important, i'll come back to it later). So i looked very close at it and most of it is back up your shit stuff. The actual downgrade process is just 2 steps. 1: Install the official patch released and provided by rockstar and 2: Install the official launcher provided and released by rockstar. So pretty much install software related to the game made by the first party.

So let's pretend patching can botch the game, even though we don't have an actual proof. And no "looking at it and see that things feel different" is not a real proof. Then patching has two possible outcomes: Normal and botched. At the same time there are two possible outcomes from the dev side. Intended and not intended. So let's combine alle 4 outcomes.

  1. Patcher worked as intended and game is normal - perfect scenario, ideally we want that

  2. Patcher didn't work as intended but the game is normal - The game is the way we wanted to be, so why worry about the dev side

  3. Patcher worked as intended but game is botched - The game is botched, but that is what the dev intended, so it doesn't matter again and we can run that version

  4. Patcher didn't work as intended and the game is botched - This scenario is a glitch.

So let's say scenario 4 happened. Do we really ban the use of a glitch with first party software, that is 100% reproducible for every single runnner (see the remark i made at the start), while allowing all other glitches? Partial glitchless categories are pretty stupid in my opinion. Especially if you want to continue calling them any%.

Zachoholic, Kollin7 और 4 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

4 minute break in hundo is probably the best thing about this.

Mhmd_FVC इसे पसंद करता है
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

As for different Keyboards. If you mean switching the keyboard layout to a different language like tirean did. Yes this is perfectly fine.

If it's something else just go by this rule: "1 physical button press = 1 input". You can rebind and move every key around on your keyboard with software aslong as you don't put 2 or more actions on the same key.

South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

Dialog skip/speed up with faulty audio devices is known and banned.

Havi इसे पसंद करता है
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

You need to reach the stairs in the hotel before 21:47 ingame time.

The walking during the cutscene happens because the old marker from the first mission is still there if you make it early enough. You have duped markers at the point and the old tutorial marker is shorter than the bab cutscene. So you regain control earlier.

धागा: Far Cry
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

The wider it is, the less you see.


lekolega, Binslev और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

2 Everything that is needed for the verification should be in the video, so that rule is reasonable.

3 & 4 you mean timing starts?

1 Are there time differences between difficulties? If yes why wouldn't you go for the fastest? Or at least make multiple categories.

धागा: Grand Theft Auto V
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

I would say give it the same treatment as gay tony ILs

Go by ingame time and have the categories any% and 100%. Those % numbers mean the completion % at the end of the screen. Obviously runs with 100% stat can be submitted to the any% LB.


And it doesn't matter if you use taxis, skip mission parts or whatever. Of course if using taxis reduces your % counter the run can only go into any%.

That would make runs very easy to verify + it would add some variaty to missions if you want to get 100%. 100% masks anyone?

Kyle इसे पसंद करता है
South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

Keep the Segments seperated. Aslong as the Video is less than 2h you can remove the music in the video settings and every country will be able to watch.

South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

The thing with schools is, that there would be 2 goals. "Gold medal" and "any medal". And before all of them will get added the current ILs should be filled.

South GeorgiaJolzi8 years ago

You need to start driving as soon the guy starts his car entering animation.

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