BrazilJolielegal4 years ago

É necessário mostrar o console do emulador em runs no emulador de PS3 também?


VitãoSpeedGameplays, plxq और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
BrazilJolielegal4 years ago


A run do WR do Any% NG+ está com o tempo errado. Analisando frame a frame, percebe-se que o cronômetro iniciou a contar 13 frames depois do começo da run, e terminou 23 frames antes do fim da run. Isso soma 36 frames, o equivalente a 1,2 segundos. Portanto, o tempo real de run é 1:01:29, não 1:01:28.

Das regras: "O cronômetro começa no exato momento em que o jogador seleciona o traje e termina assim que se inicia a cutscene final do jogo."

Não fui eu que descobri isso, créditos ao PLXQ por me mostrar.

RizeraS-, shine और 5 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
BrazilJolielegal4 years ago

Em 1:18:20 da run (NÃO o tempo do vídeo, tempo da run) ele usa uma estratégia de cair planando e dar pulo duplo no ar para atravessar até o outro lado. Parece um bug claro, já que é uma técnica para alcançar uma distância horizontal maior do que permitido normalmente. Isso é permitido em glitchless?

GustavoPredador और Speed.Gunner इसे पसंद करें
BrazilJolielegal4 years ago


This run is listed as played on PS3, which is wrong.

GustavoPredador इसे पसंद करता है
BrazilJolielegal4 years ago

In the speedrun category for both Challenges (Challenge of Exile and Challenge of Olympus), the PS4 WR runs are listed with the wrong time (about 20 seconds faster than the in the video).

GustavoPredador इसे पसंद करता है
BrazilJolielegal4 years ago

The God of War 3 demo is only avaliable on PS3, so there should not be a category for the demo on PS4.

Jonh_Yves01 और GustavoPredador इसे पसंद करें
BrazilJolielegal4 years ago

Swimless Any% NG+ should be a misc category, since not swimming is a very specific rule. It does not make sense that a very specific category like this be included together with the main ones.

plxq और GustavoPredador इसे पसंद करें
BrazilJolielegal4 years ago

Eu discuti com algumas pessoas no chat da minha live a ideia de uma nova categoria glitchless para o GoW3, e como houve respostas positivas estou trazendo o assunto para cá.

Estou chamando esta categoria de "Hades%", e basicamente se trata do começo da categoria Very Hard Glitchless, terminando ao matar o Hades. Poderia ser jogada durante uma run completa do VH glitchless. Outros pontos de término ou até dificuldade podem ser considerados; pessoalmente eu gosto mais do Hades VH.

A ideia desta categoria é ser uma speedrun glitchless mais curta. Todas as categorias glitchless atuais têm mais de 3 horas de duração, o que pode ser cansativo e desmotivador para o jogador. Muitas vezes não temos o tempo ou a paciência para jogar o jogo por tanto tempo, e a categoria também serviria como uma categoria introdutória para novos runners.

Como comentei, algumas pessoas já demonstraram interesse por uma categoria assim, e é possível que uma categoria mais curta seja atraente para novos runners também. Eu tive esta ideia inspirado em algumas categorias da série GTA, em especial o Trevor% do GTA 5 (que corresponde à primeira porção da categoria principal de speedrun do jogo), então há precedente para isto.

I discussed with some people in my livestream chat the idea of a new glitchless category for GoW3, and since there were positive responses I'm bringing this here.

I'm calling this category "Hades%", and it basically consists of the beggining of the Very Hard Glitchless category, ending when killing Hades. It could be completed during a full VH glitchless run. Other endpoints or even difficulties could be considered; I personally prefer Hades VH.

The idea of this category is to be a short glitchless run. All existing glitchless categories are over 3 hours long, which can be tiresome and demotivating for the player. We often don't have the time or the patience to play for so long, and the category would also serve as an introductory category for new players.

As was said, some people have already shown interest in a category like this, and it is possible that a shorter speedrun would be appealing for new runners too. To create this idea, I was inspired by some categories in the GTA games, especially Trevor% in GTA 5 (which is the first portion of the main speedrun category for that game), so there is precedent for this.

plxq, GustavoPredador और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
BrazilJolielegal5 years ago


This runner used a glitch at 46:05 (run time, not video time). He positioned the stones in such a way that the could move Kratos during the cutscene. This effectively skips a cutscene, and is a clear glitch.

Speed.Gunner, GustavoPredador, और Rei_Leo इसे पसंद करें
BrazilJolielegal5 years ago


This runner uses the jet dash throught the entire second half of the game, which is against the rules for the glitchless categories. To give one example, see the video at 3:18:58. Note that this is just a random example, he uses it many times.

Quoting the rules: "Using the Quick Dash and/or the Jet Dash is forbidden."

Note that I'm not assuming bad intentions, such that he is trying to cheat or anything. He is just a new runner, and didn't know this rule.

DécioSpeedMaster, GustavoPredador, और Speed.Gunner इसे पसंद करें
BrazilJolielegal5 years ago

I am requesting the creation of a new misc speedrun category for God of War 3:


The idea is to play with Fear Kratos but without the godly items used in the already-existing Very Hard NG+ Glitchless category, so no infinite magic, items, and rage. No glitches allowed, with the same rules as the standard Very Hard Glitchless category.

The appeal of this category is that Fear Kratos has a 4x multiplier in both attacks dealt and received. The extra care that must be taken during fights makes for an interesting challenge, while at the same time the increased damage allows for new strategies. Balancing these two atributes is expected to create a very fun speedun.

The category has already been played by DEUSDAGUERRA, who got a 3:43:05 time, although he may not submit the run here. I plan to starting running this category right now, after having played all the other glitchless categories. The creation of this category may encourage other runners to play it as well, increasing the longevity of our God of War speedrunning community.

JoandsonGamer, adrihime और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
BrazilJolielegal6 years ago

It seems like a silly rule to me.

Jolielegal के बारे में
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