Jaaay2 years ago

Thanks for your thoughts on it.

Okay so that means every console has their own in game leaderboards. so you mean there should be a Variable in Time Attack of the different consoles? is it usual that some things dont work on other consoles in other games? but the in game leaderboard is already for the console so i think it is better to just have everyone at one board, it is easier tell who is the fastest and who not but there is probably not everyone submitting their time anyway, so maybe we can get some people of every console who can send me the top leaderboards every month and we could post/add them to the SRC leaderboard? depending on how active this game speedrunning wise will be which i dont know yet.

Yep i agree, i'll add a variable for best lap

yeah, i think it is the best for city rumble to start on a already played file and just do the 5/5 boss races (for example) as fast as possible, because i dont know if you can easily create an account on other consoles without losing your data from main account

i'll add car variable, i dont know if it is neccessary to make different categories for modified/unmodified. I'll think about it, first id like to finish main stuff. if you mean modified/unmodified category in city rumble, good idea, but is there a way to get standard stats back from a car you modified? if you only can sell the car and get it back for it to be umodified should be a annoying proccess. so im unsure

Jaaay2 years ago

So a few things:

(IL= Individual Level)

  1. Time Attack (IL) can a non switch player tell me if they see a jay on the track "Ready, Set, Go!" on global leaderboard on 3rd place? that way i can tell if the in game board is for every console together or not, just you know. Probably make it a category either way.

  2. Quick Race (IL) only problem i have here is what should be the timing method? In game time can be inaccurate cause after you are done with a race, it wont tell you the total in game time, only the best lap. RTA will be inaccurate with ms too so still unsure what to do here.

  3. Hot wheels city rumble (Full game Leaderboard) timing method? id like to do RTA, problem: the different loading times accross the consoles, dont know how heavy they are. maybe someone can make a timer that only runs during gameplay. And about the categories itself: i would split into 9/9 Secrets uncovered, 5/5 Boss Races, 32/32 Time Attacks, 52/52 Quick Races and 100% (doing everything on the board).

Jaaay2 years ago

yeah just send them in and we'll go through them. dont worry about the date you got them, it is not really important. at least to me

Canonball_Run इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Hotshot Racing
Jaaay2 years ago

Is there a Discord? or is the speedrunning community not big enough for it to be worth it

ExiA और Planetaryashes इसे पसंद करें
Jaaay2 years ago

@JustCallMeFish give me an example run and i put it on the spreadsheet

Jaaay2 years ago

Someone made break the targets where you can run different stages with specific characters. it looks pretty good, check it out https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1s0th28K0UlXgjiaopsF7ZTbmdYAdEarG8-bCjLMWvCI/htmlview#gid=0

Linkstxr, Ivory और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Jaaay2 years ago

nah, doesnt matter, just play the difficulty you like

Linkstxr इसे पसंद करता है
Jaaay2 years ago

I actually had the same Idea when i saw the Beefy Smash Doods video. i thought we could do like 5 custom stages that you can run with every character and put it on the speedrun site boards but have to ask the other mods first what they think about the idea. And if not we could put it on the sheet with the other categories i already made

Ivory इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Horned Knight
Jaaay3 years ago

why aren't there individual level?

Jaaay3 years ago

Terry, Fox, Falcon, Yoshi and Kirby i like Toon Link, Duck Hunt and Mewtwo i do not like

CHICO93 इसे पसंद करता है
Jaaay3 years ago

there is already a category. go to Full-game Leaderboard > World of Light Extras > Spiritless


Arahpthos इसे पसंद करता है
Jaaay3 years ago

There you go: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K7bJuPb8RcKzsqtjPP-fYzwchIyDn445gl-R4RCtbJs/edit?usp=sharing

Submit the runs here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1g69bvFPys4qT9cauZHBS_x7n03yMoX6NGRN8gKKuQZs/edit

I actually could just add all characters you can unlock in WoL, but i'm not making the effort until people demanding it and actually run it

Ivory, TheLemonyBard, और IntroFuzz इसे पसंद करें
Jaaay3 years ago

I can put things like that on the spreadsheet and you guys can run it. But i want an example run first

IntroFuzz इसे पसंद करता है
Jaaay3 years ago

so i made a spreadsheet now. just put things there that were requested. We can discuss now what we can put on these boards and if you are fine with what i've already added to it (and the design of it, still would change things but i'm tired). If you have any ideas for new categories, that make at least a little bit of sense, you can show them under this thread, write me a private message here or on discord.

Leaderboards: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K7bJuPb8RcKzsqtjPP-fYzwchIyDn445gl-R4RCtbJs/edit#gid=1053078072

Submit here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1g69bvFPys4qT9cauZHBS_x7n03yMoX6NGRN8gKKuQZs/edit

That's my christmas gift for ya

Ivory, Swamish और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Jaaay3 years ago

Stuff like this won't be added to these leaderboards. Would you guys run it if i make a spreadsheet for categories like that?

InprisonedShadow, DemataPyro, और Lor इसे पसंद करें
Jaaay3 years ago

it is only for a few days there, so i guess nah

Jaaay3 years ago

this won't be added to these leaderboards though. we can make a spreadsheet for categories like this, if you guys want to.

Jaaay3 years ago

i kinda like it not gonna lie

DemataPyro इसे पसंद करता है
Jaaay3 years ago

how you waited in the arena, just insane man. really good run dude, can still be optimized though

for real, gameplay was not bad.

Jaaay3 years ago

So lately there were some runs from new people that did not include the section with "Let's go" in their video. That's where the timing starts and that is important for the speedrun of course. I hope you can understand that these runs got rejected. Just wanted to make aware of it cause i saw it happen more often currently.

slippy318 इसे पसंद करता है
Jaaay के बारे में
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