धागा: Speedrunning
United StatesIgni29525 years ago

Thank you for the help and replies. I'll go ask the mod of the game some time whenever I can.

Imaproshaman इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Speedrunning
United StatesIgni29525 years ago

Hello everyone. I've been practicing a speedrun of a DS game on emulator (Inazuma Eleven). I've watched a video of a run of it (which was on emulator as well), and some of the timings weren't matching mine.

Not sure if its because of the run being the first and only of the game- but still I'm concerned if its because of my emulator settings. So far I have everything in default. I tried googling but nothing really came up aside from a pokemon speedrun wiki.

Here are my specs (if that has to do with anything) https://twitter.com/Igni29521/status/1028669414923792385

Milozaki इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Inazuma Eleven
United StatesIgni29525 years ago

I practiced some sections of the run, and will try a full run offline shortly.

Is saving, quiting, and reloading the file allowed? The rules say that it depends on the game (If I'm right). I thought of routing the game and see if some backtracking to recruit a player can save time etc. Recruiting certain players in the game is dependent on random luck (the menu appears showing 5 players form the team and sometimes the specific player won't appear; saving before you see the menu then quiting + reloading the file will "reshuffle" the players list before you talk to the manager)

I don't know, this route idea might be embarrassingly stupid at the end, but I still want to give it a try.

Milozaki इसे पसंद करता है
Igni2952 के बारे में
सामिल हुए
5 years ago
5 years ago
फ़ॉलो किए गए गेम्स
Inazuma Eleven
Inazuma Eleven
अंतिम यात्रा 5 years ago