Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

My general scattered thoughts:

-Since the game is mostly a port of Solo Remix it should end timing in the same place (touching the big pin to kill Draco Cantus). However, this time the hardware is consistent rather than having to choose between DS/3DS or multiple possible phones, so I'd say that SDPP scumming with date change could probably be allowed.

-1p2c will easily be the fastest way to play, and it will be tragic and fun

-Outside of 1p2c, running just any deck with any partner is...bad. Overlapping inputs with the partner and building a lot of sync is gonna be the way to go. This makes Beat very overpowered, as most godlike pins are a hold input. Joshua's crazy imprecise and Shiki is pretty inefficient.

-As some of you may know, Lightning Rook is BONKERS. Unfortunately you can't really get it until very late in the game. Pins that were extremely good with puck strats are significantly nerfed, and this includes Burst Rounds, which was the main way to go in Any%. Unfortunately One Stone Many Birds is VERY inefficient at 3 shots and no puck power up. Its evolution One Stroke Vast Wealth is much better, with double the uses, it can be obtained starting in Beat day 3, or by SDPP, so pick your poison on that.

-Pretty much the same poverty equipment of Any% (Purple Sneakers, Brown Baby Tee, Green Warm-ups) works to generate a lot of fusion. Many bosses die very fast to lvl3, or even lvl2 fusions, so I don't see the general route not being about that.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

Opening this for anyone to contribute about any possible speedy stuff in Final Remix.

Specifically interested in:

-What ruleset should this version have compared to the others? -General differences and things that can be exploited in this version -Decks/equipment for each partner -Is 1p2c worth it?

Contribute with anything you may have! Vids are greatly appreciated

ROMaster2 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Terranigma
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman6 years ago

Yo, I've been willing to learn this game for quite a while now and I'm finally getting around to it, but the link for the guide in the sidebar isn't working (goes to a generic Dropbox "file not found" screen).

Having this route in hand would make it way easier to learn as I don't have much free time to just study WR/completed runs, is there any mirror for it?

BambooShadow इसे पसंद करता है
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman6 years ago

Went ahead and added the tab +platforms myself just because I was awake. I've seen the streams and learned about the peculiarities of the mobile verison so I think the different endpoints on the run are a fair difference that I added as extra rules. This may also be good preparation to add any possible Final Remix run when that comes out.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

Finished my pastebin explaining the route and the best build I've come up with for now. This should be the only resource necessary to learn the category. https://pastebin.com/xeJ2S6cf

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

So I was contacted by a runner called St4rwave in Twitter and later in Discord, who was interested in running the game but found Any% too long, and we started talking about the possibility of creating a shorter category through NG+.

After consulting it a bit with eekcast we came to an agreement on rules for it. Today, now that I'm home from ESA, I finished writing these rules and added it to the leaderboards, will be doing a run, optimizing the route and making a pastebin for it in the next days, but for now I wanted to open a thread to explain the rules and get any possible feedback:

** - Complete every main game day (every day except Another Day) in any given order. A day is considered complete when the save screen after the end card appears. **

Of course NG+ means starting the days from the phone menu. I don't know if there's any weird order for the days that makes it faster but I'd assume just starting on W1D1 and going through the days as normal works. The saving card clarification is just a universal way to include the credits since it'sthe standard for Any%, and in case they're not the last thing in the run they should be included.

** - Timing starts when selecting any day in the phone menu and ends after saving in the 21st completed day. Check in-game time at the start before selecting a day and subtract it to the in-game time on the last save to get the IGT. **

Just a small clarification on how to count the IGT.

** - All battles that give a results screen must be done on Normal difficulty, except those which are mandatory for progression within the game.**

This almost couldn't have been a rule, honestly doing this in Easy could've worked but there's a reason this rule exists for regular Any%. I tested the only reason you'd want to change difficulty in NG+, and you can die to Taboo Minamimoto just like in NG, which IMO makes the rule worth having.

** - All post-game pins and items are not allowed. You can find a full list of banned items here: https://pastebin.com/aepz7LCi**

This is the main contention point of NG+, since you could just overpower yourself to the max before starting a run and just get a way better time than anybody else. This category should be able to be started right from completing NG, even if you have to prepare a bit before doing so. Anything that could IN THEORY be prepared doing NG is allowed for that reason, while anything that is exclusive to NG+ isn't allowed

** - You may prepare a pin deck and builds for every character in advance.**

Similar to last rule's reasoning. As long as this build in advance doesn't break that rule, it'll be allowed.

** - All characters can not have any base stat above 10, except BRV. **

ATK starts at 10 for every character while DEF starts at 0. The base value doesn't change unless you eat stat-boosting food. Obviously this is a problem for NG+ because you could just boost your attack to the max. Defence, however, doesn't necessarily make any fight faster, only safer, so with this rule anybody who wants to take it safer can prepare beforehand. BRV of course can't be controlled like the other stats but the NG+ equipment ban makes it not worth to be boosted to the max. Base drop rate also doesn't really affect the route in any way.

** - Text skip is allowed.**

Pretty obvious. Hold L or R to go fast.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

Splicing runs is the worst way to call what you want to do, it's more like a segmented run. The problem with this is that you can't prove that each segment in a run wasn't recorded many times until you get a good segment, even if your intention isn't to cheat something like this isn't allowed.

We're working on defining rules for some kind of NG+ run that would be shorter, if you're interested in running the game but don't have time for Any% I would recommend waiting for that.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

A good time for Hera is below 30 minutes, while 30 to 31 minutes means the rest of splits up to Hera were decent. 32 is ok for a first run, I guess.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

I've been working on and off on adapting my notes into an actual written route, with boss strats and everything necessary.


Also submitted it as a guide but I don't fully trust that what I wrote is good enough, any amount of feedback is appreciated.

ROMaster2 और st4rwave इसे पसंद करें
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

Just don't stay too long in top of him, it's easy to tell when you've hit him enough times so you can hop down and go to a corner of the arena for the manip.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

I would consider it an entirely different game. If you want to run that version you should create a leaderboard for it, I don't know if there are differences that make it faster/slower to run but I doubt it'd be fair to compare it to the original times.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

He always goes diagonal so just stay in a diagonal from him and he'll attack in that direction, you just need to be quick enough on the bomb + spin. It's pretty easy.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

This tutorial is very outdated, just use recent PBs to learn it.

lozplyr89 इसे पसंद करता है
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

I should really make my notes into an actual written route at some point, but the route is based on this old GameFAQs thing http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/935689-the-world-ends-with-you/faqs/54810

It explains the equip/item route but it's way too safe in many ways, giving a final estimate of around 4:30 IGT which is way too slow. For fights and more unsafe, faster strats VODs should be enough.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

AFAIK there's nothing in the rules about emulators, so you could use one, but it's waaaaaay harder to play this game with mouse and keyboard.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

We'll occasionally talk on the Oracles Discord about an All Dungeons/All Essences route and some people have taken interest in running it, but no actual route has been made yet. As for Glitchless, I really don't know if anybody has an interest in that, we all love our Veran Skips.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman8 years ago

3DS VC is weird, it's an official release so it shouldn't ban any features, but at the same time bottom screen menu also has savestates, and that's a bit sketchy to put into rules...

IMO if VC menu reset is a hard reset, just use it.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman8 years ago

Here's some notes I prepared tu learn the current route. No specifics like dungeon routes but should help you get started.

Start Save at house WV Kak WV PGS, DM WV, deathwarp[10R] Rent TRod, then Bow [0R] Sanct [50R] Rent Hammer [0R] 20x5 before Eastern [100R] Eastern (rupees on floor, fairies, escape) [370R]

Rent bombs [320R] Witch WV Trigger Shady Guy Fly to Kak, Smooth Gem, house 100, boots [220R] Flippers Get water red [240R, need 10 more from drops before Hyrule Castle] Fly to house Gales

Fly to DM Hera road Hera (Can skip HC)

Fly to Kak MS Fly to house Rent FRod, Hook, IRod + get QE [-250R, no more rupees needed] Castle Lorule

Blacksmith WV Go to abandoned house, enter portal Rocky area portal Maze skip Dark

Dash out to left FRod boost to ledge Animation storage Turtle

Fly to Blacksmith Steal big bomb Open Swamp Swamp

NW portal Desert portal Desert skip(DDPS, DPS, whatever)

Activate Mire WV Enter N portal Fly to DM FRod Rocko Mine and Hilda text skip Climb cave Ice

Fly to Mire, enter N portal Fly to Kak, portal behind Sahasrahla Skull

Fly to Blacksmith Thief password is 231 Thieves

Dash to castle Trials Skip Yuganon Win

Herreteman के बारे में
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