दौड़: Narita Boy
United StatesFulMetlJumpsuit11 months ago

sorry about the bugs, but great run! and welcome! I did catch a few spots where you can make easy time saves in case you decide to beat your time in the future

दौड़: Narita Boy
United StatesFulMetlJumpsuit1 year ago

Good job on the time save. Now I'm wondering if I could optimize Glaucoma somehow. And for the dragon bot fight, it's hop then shoulder bash then mash attack and shoulder bash

दौड़: Narita Boy
United StatesFulMetlJumpsuit1 year ago

Thank you!

ogloccness इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Narita Boy
United StatesFulMetlJumpsuit1 year ago

There's definitely load time differences between PC and consoles. My first time seeing a load screen in this game was when I first watched your run. I'm going with what I'm doing since that's more of what I'm used to seeing in other speedruns. And thanks! Your run was a big help to getting me started. Been rewatching it a lot over the past few months

ogloccness इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Narita Boy
United StatesFulMetlJumpsuit1 year ago

I'm wondering how you do the shoulder bash spam on the dragon 2 fight

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1 year ago
7 months ago
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Narita Boy
Narita Boy
अंतिम रन 1 year ago
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Narita Boy
Narita Boy
अंतिम यात्रा 10 months ago