धागा: The Site
United StatesFitterSpace10 months ago

Another thing I would suggest for individual level boards is to cap the number of names that are shown. If more than, say, 10 or 15 people are listed, it could say the number of people that hold the record instead of each person's name.

The vast majority of people would never encounter this scenario, but it would make those few leaderboards with lots of ties look a little nicer. If you wanted to give someone an extra reason to be the first person to get an untied world record, you could list the player's name then "and 53 others" on the line after it. It could be a nice touch.

hahhah42 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
United StatesFitterSpace10 months ago

​I think there's good reason for both the old. and new IL layouts - there should be a toggle for this in the game's​ settings imo

I agree. I can see what they were going for, and I think it can work well enough in games where ties aren't common.

Actually, I have a good potential way to solve this problem. Instead of listing 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place, they could list the best, second best, and third best times. It sounds like it's the same thing, but it means you won't have any dashes unless there are actually no runs worse than the world record.

in the GoldenEye XBLA example I showed above, take the facility level as an example. The world record is 0:41, held by two people. The next best time is 0:42, also held by 2 people. The 3rd best time would be 0:43 (I don't know how many people have 43's). A potential improvement, at least for that game, would be to show everybody with 41's in the first column, then show everybody with 42's next to that, then show all the 43's in the 3rd column. That's what I mean when I say to show the 3 best times instead of strictly 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place. With the current system, the two people tied for 1st are show, then there's a dash because technically there isn't a 2nd place run, then it shows the two people with 0:42, who are tied for 3rd.

Showing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place guarantees there will be a blank spot on the leaderboard if there is a tie in 1st or 2nd place. With my proposal, a dash would only be shown if there are less than 3 runs for a level.

hahhah42 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
United StatesFitterSpace10 months ago

Overall, I like the new site design, I think the IL boards need some work. Showing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for each level at the same time sounds great, but it completely breaks down in games that have lots of ties. The dashes make it look like the leaderboards are incomplete.

However, the IL page looks absolutely perfect on mobile. I like that the names are properly aligned when there are ties. It's simple and clean. I've seen people say that they liked having all the runs on the screen at once, but that doesn't work well on mobile in games that have lots of categories.

I think the desktop IL page should be changed to how it was before, with a table that shows each level in 3 or 4 categories at a time. Now that you have the option to select subcategories, it's so close to being perfect on desktop. But the 2nd and 3rd place times are less important than other things that could be shown in the same space, and the design doesn't work well in games with lots of ties.

Trollcollector, CyanWes, और ShikenNuggets इसे पसंद करें
United StatesFitterSpace1 year ago

This is probably more into Liam's territory, but I personally don't care about changing the crosshairs or some other HUD elements. I'd say go for it, as long as whatever you change doesn't give you information you wouldn't have normally.

United StatesFitterSpace1 year ago

Nice! That's a pretty cool run. I added a category for it on the leaderboard.

United StatesFitterSpace1 year ago

Maybe just "All Bond Moves & Secrets" would be fine as a category name. I'd say just spend some time and route it then do a full run. I can add a category for it after that.

United StatesFitterSpace1 year ago

Sounds cool to me. It's probably about as close to a 100% run as you could get in this game.

United StatesFitterSpace1 year ago

I'll leave 100% up to you and PurpleSun to discuss, but I added 00 Agent since it probably should have been on there in the first place. Thanks.

Le_Cant इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Goldeneye 007 (PC)
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

Yes, this leaderboard uses the 1964 emulator.

धागा: Goldeneye 007 (XBLA)
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

I've made two google sheets that can serve as a rankings page for this game. One is for controller runs and the other is for Mouse & Keyboard runs. These sheets give us a points system similar to the one on the-elite.net, which encourages people to play more of the game to get a higher score.

Controller: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15qEbEfTnl-TrKph6zDRbicTY5lDt-aWyMmxrPmX7ZAQ/edit?usp=sharing Mouse & Keyboard: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DlVILX3dpjVDKb98Ydinj1Qnnh-_6vzASAeXOBdkJs0/edit?usp=sharing

Google sheets is not an ideal place to have a ranking system, but it's the best we have for now. There is an effort to get a real website up and running but that's going to take some time. In the meantime, this google sheet will be good enough. The main reason this exists is because speedrun.com's individual level leaderboard has a really lackluster user interface that makes it impossible to see all the mouse & keyboard times on a single page. The only way to see them on speedrun.com is to click each level/difficulty combination individually and look at the times from there. The spreadsheets also have some other nice features, like a point ranking system and an "overall combined time" section that encourages people to lower their times even if they already have a world record. I've also linked the controller spreadsheet on the sidebar, for easier access. If a real website is made for XBLA rankings, that will go there instead.

RaskeShades, PhiAce और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

Definitely. I'm fine with whatever changes they make to it, as long as it's easier to view subcategories on IL pages without having to click on each level/category combination.

Onslatt, Merl_ और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

Earlier I posted about how I think the IL leaderboards need an overhaul and I thought this kind of design would help a lot for IL subcategories: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/807451828002095175/810537498761625661/unknown.png

Obviously I'm not a graphics designer or anything so it looks pretty bad, but the idea is there. I'm confident that the site developers could make something similar that looks a lot better than my mock-up. This would be so useful to a lot of speedrunning communities.

McKiddy, Onslatt और 10 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

@skyweiss The front page only shows 25 runs at the moment, so if you have your front page set to show more than that, it only shows games you're following. I'm sure it's just a glitch and will be fixed soon.

skyweiss इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

I like the front page so far. I was about to complain here about the text being too hard to read, but the spacing between the letters was changed when I refreshed the page so I'm pretty sure they're working on it as I type this. Overall I quite like the new design and I think the rest of the site should go in the same direction.

jkerz और Merl_ इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Goldeneye 007 (XBLA)
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

There are some potential solutions that could be a lot easier than that. First, press F3 and you'll see the frame time. At 60 frames per second, that's 16.6 milliseconds per frame. If you timescale to slow down the emulator, the frame time goes up because each frame lasts longer. So it's an easy way to tell if someone is slowing the emulator down. There are some other solutions too but nothing concrete yet.

cha0z इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

IL leaderboards with subcategories are clunky. There's no obvious way to see all the times listed for a subcategory except whichever one is the default. I think a good way to handle this would be to have some kind of filter at the top of the screen, similar to the full-game leaderboards, that lets you choose the subcategory and see all those times for all IL categories.

Right now, the only way to see a time for a subcategory IL is to click on each level/category combination you care about and see the times for each one individually. Here's a real world example: GoldenEye 007 (XBLA) is about to have a split for controller and mouse+keyboard controls. This is fine for full-game runs because subcategories are useful there. But lets say Mouse+keyboard becomes the default subcategory for IL's. If that happens, there is currently no way to show the IL board for all the controller times. You would have to click on each level+category individually and then click the subcategory to see the controller times for that one stage.

Right now, the only good way we can separate controller and mouse/keyboard is to either create a new leaderboard for it, or create new levels and categories. For example, there are 20 levels in the game, but we could add another 20 just for keyboard/mouse so that way all runs for both controllers and keyboard/mouse are listed at the same time. We could also create 3 more IL categories, so there would be "Agent (controller)", "Secret Agent (controller)", "00 Agent (controller)", "Agent (mouse and keyboard)", "Secret Agent (mouse and keyboard)", and "00 Agent (mouse and keyboard)". But you can already tell that would be pretty clunky, too. There's also the possibility of simply hosting the rankings off-site, like the-elite already does for the N64 game. But I think we want to keep it on sr.c if possible. In short, the IL leaderboards need more attention because the user interface isn't good enough to make things easy.

CycloneFN, Onslatt और 6 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

If what you say about alkamaass is true, then I agree that they shouldn't be a GoldenEye XBLA mod. I think these games and their communities need to be treated fairly and with respect, and that kind of behavior is not acceptable, in my opinion.

I believe everybody that currently moderates GoldenEye XBLA should be removed and replaced with DuskyLW and DaisyFan. DuskyLW truly cares about GoldenEye speedrunning and its communities for both N64 and emulators, and DaisyFan is an outstanding 007 series speedrunner who is passionate about all the games and their small, dedicated communities. Those two are, by far, the most qualified people to moderate what I think is going to be a popular game to speedrun. As the XBLA community grows, they should add new moderators as they see fit.

macOS, Shac0le और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

I can back up what @alkamaass is saying. I'm a 007 series moderator (and an active member of many 007 speedrun communities) and I feel like the way the GoldenEye XBLA moderators run the leaderboard is a little inappropriate and unprofessional. To me it feels like some streamer and their community rushed to make a leaderboard for a popular game so they could benefit from it, rather than letting people that run the game moderate it. I'm not saying that I should moderate it, but I can list a few people that I think would make for a better fit than the people currently on there.

If that's not bad enough, the same group of people made another leaderboard for GoldenEye N64 because they don't like the community on the-elite (understandable, but inappropriate, in my opinion). They also made a leaderboard for Project-007, a game with no title, release date, screenshots, or gameplay anybody has seen (https://www.speedrun.com/project_007). The discord link on that leaderboard goes to their personal discord server. Does anybody think that #cookie-jar-general in the Bambywamby31 community server is a good place to organize 007 speedrunning? I just think that the way that game is being handled right now is a total mismanagement of what could be a seriously awesome community.

macOS, cheekychunk और 15 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Goldeneye 007 (XBLA)
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

I think it's a little odd that the discord link on this page goes to what looks to me like a personal discord server. I think it would be more appropriate if the game had a dedicated discord server just for discussion about it. There are a few 007 speedrun servers I could see it being a part of, like the-elite or the 007 series discord, but I think it would be best to create a server specifically for GE XBLA instead of using your own community server for it.

OnIyHuman, Jimbles, और alkamaass इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Goldeneye 007 (XBLA)
United StatesFitterSpace3 years ago

Right now the game has a lot of problems for people with AMD hardware. Looks like for the time being, it only works if you've got an Nvidia GPU. It'll surely be fixed eventually but it might take some time for the Xenia developers to make it work for everybody.

FitterSpace के बारे में
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