Queensland, AustraliaFalconerGray8 months ago

Hello all, I have uploaded a copy of my control scheme file into the "Resources" section, along with an overview of how it all works.

I find that having the right control scheme can make a world of difference to what is possible in a speedrun, so hopefully this makes things easier and more enjoyable.

Queensland, AustraliaFalconerGray1 year ago

Hi all,

With the discovery of the 0 second O4M2 it has become necessary to introduce a "No Early Objectives" category to the Individual Level leaderboard.

This category will only be relevant for missions where the Early Objectives exploit can be used, such as O1M4, O4M2, O4M5, and any others that are discovered.

Please reach out if there are any questions.

Queensland, AustraliaFalconerGray1 year ago

Hi all,

I have twice now encountered instances where the game runs at a significantly increased speed:

I'm unsure of if this is a hardware glitch, an error with the timing fix used to run the game, or something similar, or if it is a genuine bug/glitch that can be replicated and exploited.

I have no idea what caused this to take place - both times, it occurred from just loading into a mission as per normal, with nothing to suggest there was anything out of the ordinary.

My current thinking is that a run should not include this increased speed, unless it can be explained, understood and replicated. I don't think it would be good to have runs determined something completely beyond the runners control. (Please keep in mind that standard rules apply, externally modifying the game is not permitted - everything must take place in game).

Of course this is open for discussion, posting here for transparency and awareness. Thanks all, ~FG

Queensland, AustraliaFalconerGray1 year ago

Greetings all! I'm very pleased to say that MechWarrior 3 now has now been updated with a ruleset and Individual Level (IL) leaderboard!

The purpose of this update is to make the game more accessible for new runners. The ruleset is simple and provides the guidance needed for a runner to get started, while the IL leaderboard provides a runners with a more palatable way to run the game.

These rules are always open for query and discussion - my objective here is to help others enjoy running MechWarrior 3.

Please reach out at any time, no matter the question. Hope to see more runs on the board in the new year! Cheers all, ~FG

Queensland, AustraliaFalconerGray1 year ago

Hi all, earlier this year I put together a segment run so that I could work on finding the optimal strategy for each mission.

Check it out:

Comparing mission times between this and my current WR time, the segmented run is about 3 minutes quicker, which shows there are WR improvements possible. Pulling it off in a live run is the where the challenge really lies, but still serves as an example of what could be possible.

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FalconerGray के बारे में
I'm Gray. I like horror movies, motorsport, heavy metal, and Battletech.
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