United StatesEggwink5 years ago

Luzbelheim how did you do it, how did you go so fast?

Whenever I try to click through the clips that fast I always get the "Quit this L.O.G.I.C. session?" menu. Do you use space + escape?

United StatesEggwink5 years ago

I was trying to do a 100% run, and it was just taking forever. Deleting "blank" from every box felt really slow. I wondered if I could find a short enough list of words to beat the game in a faster time. 8 hours later, here I am lol

Two things to note:

  1. Make sure you spell plac as written.
  2. Yes appears twice in this list. Once as just yes and once as "yes", with quotes around it. No appears once, in quotes: "no"

Basically just type everything exactly as written and you'll be fine. I would definitely recommend grouping them into chunks and maybe highlighting different ones in different colors, because otherwise it's just a wall of letters and it's easy to lose your place.

Maybe someday I'll post a video about my adventures in finding this word list.

Word List: murder question diane ok morning reflection yes "yes" "no" oxford easy understand infertile suspicious hospital test generosity shit behind affairs character yep insisted finger woman unfaithful ring innocent middle poor strong boyfriend very fingerprint birthday put sex few eight wig married did arrest lost pulled plac will throat sister child children north use guilty talk mind worst ticket tattoo hear everyone wouldn't why mother else sugar yeah fuck glass house door more bedroom clean fucked recording stay nine what tea someone read key ten hotel guitar many hair himself

DocDaneeka इसे पसंद करता है
United StatesEggwink6 years ago

Title says it all.

Starts timer when you click start, resets when the menu loads, and splits after the grass, water and fire. You'll have to split manually after spirit

United StatesEggwink6 years ago

Hi, especially with AGDQ going on, I've had this question running through my mind.

So I know the #1 advice is "pick a game that you love." But imagine there are 3 games that you love, and the only difference is:

  • The first has NO existing runs
  • The second has an relatively inactive community with a few pretty decent WRs
  • The third has a massive community, people stream and race every week and new strats are always being found

Obviously each has their pros and cons. If a game has no runs, you can immediately set WR by default, but that's obviously not satisfying. On the other extreme, with a massive community like Super Meat Boy, there's plenty of people to compete against, but just your average runner obviously can't expect to set a WR without HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of runs.

So the question is, what is it about speedrunning that you enjoy, and how does that affect your choice of game to speedrun?

How often do you run a game just for the thrill of improving, and without a long term goal of WR?

Or, do you enjoy a large community more than setting a record?

I personally would never run Super Mario Bros just because of the ridiculous level of optimization that that game is at.

However I grew up on Super Mario Sunshine and I LOVE that game, so, even though that game is really competitive, I would absolutely consider running it. Of course I would continually set goals for myself, but I don't think I would even really be worried about the WR for a long time (if ever), just because I don't really have the time to spend hours and hours every day practicing.

607 इसे पसंद करता है
United StatesEggwink6 years ago

I can't find a version where the mouse doesn't lag horribly. Is this the case for you as well?

United StatesEggwink6 years ago


I am no expert at this game, or speedrunning in general, but I did a little digging into the assets of the game and made a few interesting discoveries, and thought I'd share them in the hopes that it could help somebody else.

First of all, here's a spreadsheet I extracted from the game code which contains all the dialogue transcripts: UPDATE: I have added a column to the end which includes all the search terms that will pull up the word. Please see the note in a post below on why words with apostrophes (can't, haven't) don't appear. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hTXypS_gDJKskTqzQRvBxNoA613-HQEc/view?usp=sharing

But the most interesting thing I found was the code that checks the victory requirements. (For anyone interested I found this code in Assembly-UnityScript.dll, NewUIDatabase) https://vgy.me/whhm43.png

So basically the victory requirements are:

  1. Must have seen 109 or more clips
  2. Must have a plot score of 5

The plot score is a hidden counter that ensures that the player has seen clips that contain 5 pieces of key information:

  1. Florence
  2. Sister/Twin
  3. Attic
  4. Baby
  5. Murder

If you look in the spreadsheet, it has columns for each of these plot points. So for example, if a row contains TRUE under 'Attic', that clip will give you the plot point for 'Attic'.

In my run, I use the following words at the beginning to knock out these plot points:

stories - (tells about florence) clothes - (tells about baby and murder) school - (tells about sister/twins and attic)

Then after that, I just use the shortest words possible to get to 109.

Just to make this post simpler I'm inventing the term 'Collision' to mean when one clip is being pulled up twice in the same run by two different search terms. This wastes time because the second search term only gets us 4 clips closer to 109 instead of 5 clips.

There is a delay of exactly 1 second every time you run a search. With 109 clips required to be seen, we could complete the game in exactly 22 search terms if we have 1 or no collisions. However 2 collisions would require 1 additional search term, 7 collisions would require 2 extra search terms and so on. As I said, each search takes 1 second for the computer to process, but of course there's also the human aspect of typing the word, clicking the button, etc...

So, the most optimal word list would cover the following:

  1. Hit all 5 plot points
  2. Have 22 search terms
  3. All search terms have 5 words and no collisions (compromise: there is wiggle room for 1 search term with 4 words OR 1 collision)
  4. Search terms be as short as possible (may save 1 or 2 seconds max due to typing, also longer words are easier to mess up)

One last minor thing to consider... there's a few search terms that can be typed exclusively with the left hand (sex, cat, bar, ever, dead). In general these feel faster, but that could just be me.

So, of course I have to mention, I purposely didn't look at anyone else's word lists before doing my own investigation, but after I chose my route and made my first run, I took a look at the competition and saw that, particularly FreezardB's word list, is already super optimal, way more so than mine! :)

Anyway, this game isn't quite to the level of optimization where any of this is even necessary, but I'm the kind of guy that enjoys stuff like this haha

So I'll leave you with a spreadsheet of the current wordlists:


United StatesEggwink6 years ago

In Pyxel's video, he walks from the block on the left to the one on the right without jumping, or falling to the block below.


When I try, I bump into the brick above and it makes me fall below. What am I missing?

United StatesEggwink7 years ago

I'm messing around with this game, but for some reason I seem to be losing momentum sometimes when I land jumps. I watched the speed runs here and I didn't seem to see that happening at all. Also, in the Android version it's not an issue either. Was the game updated or something? Or is there something I'm doing wrong?

The real reason this is an issue is because I slow down for just a split second when I drop down into the water here, and then I'm just barely too late to get in front of this block:


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