धागा: The Site
South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0073 years ago

I used to compete with his times on Pac-Man DX edition back in the day. I wonder if any of those were taken too ... ? :/ Big Rip

YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करता है
South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0075 years ago

^ I had that idea a while ago. Not a bad one! Sadly, my internet is super bad so I can't upload any videos for quite a while :(

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

I don't see the Highway 2 Score attack tab, can you provide a link to it since I'm a dummy?

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Omg I didnt even know that tab existed til now. That's so helpful

Ah, no it's not in there. If you make a new tab, Ill re submit :)

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Nah I mean I had a WR for Highway 2: Score attack, but i cant find it anywhere Maybe im looking in the wrong spot?

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Also, Have you deleted Highway 2 from the Leaderboards?

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

understandable! I've done dumb things with submitting too haha

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Just noticed a few runs incorrectly put up, not to mention my own idiotic mistakes with the youtube titles D: haha

Dungeon Short 1, Short 5!

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Haha that's always the way

You still want me to hold off on the uploads for now ?

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

I am Furiously Upset right now! I did Highway 2 Score attack so I could get the 2 Mil speedrun. And it's realllllyy damn hard. I've spent 10 days on and off trying to do this Stupid level. And I finally did it, and it didn't save any damn ass replay ????

I've never had a level not save a replay? Why in the hell didn't it save my stupid replay!! >:( >:(

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Man ! I'm quite confused by all this! I'm not sure what I need do beat D: Can't wait til it's done!

Also, check Manhatten Short 6! it has my time as 0.55! :)

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

With the new leaderboard, do the runs not come up on my profile anymore ? I can't see any runs after Short 4 :(

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Also, let us know when you're done so I can do runs ! For now I'll just do some new ones and save them up for you!

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Yeah get rid of Mobile, no one is gonna Speedrun on Mobile I wouldnt think! haha

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Yeah no worries! gold is good yes!

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

I'm not sure if you're finished yet but I noticed on the IL there's no runs from shorts 1-7 cause they're on the main leaderboard?

Love the background btw! The gold writing is very nice too!

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

I just think that if the levels are the categories it's easier to navigate and then have the 2mil/3mil/shorts etc as a tab inbetween. I'm cool with whatever you choose to do, I'll get used to it either way!

South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Im late to the party

Maybe have each level as a section and the Scores and shorts as a tab inbetween?

धागा: Speedrunning
South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Thanks everyone! The game I'm talking about says replays are acceptable as long as i show desktop first :) Ill see about the movie maker since I recorded them all in one go first. If not ill just do them one at a time :) No big deal!

Thanks heaps everyone! And thanks for the Welcome :)

धागा: Speedrunning
South Australia, AustraliaDragonC0076 years ago

Ah okay! What about if I uploaded the video onto Youtube and had Markers for where each of the segments are ? Do you think that would be okay too ?

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